Lightshow — Ethereum+IoT device @ uOttahackEditors note: This article is in-progress, please report any issues/inconsistencies or reach out for collaboration to 26, 2018Feb 26, 2018
How to read GQ for free without adsSo an interesting article from GQ popped up on hacker news and I wanted to read it.Feb 2, 2016Feb 2, 2016
A theoretical outline for a self-optimizing trust-less distributed virtual machineNote: Just thinking out loud hereDec 14, 2015Dec 14, 2015
Primer on the human brain — part 2In the last part of this series we took a high level view of the human brain, starting abstractly with the mind and worked down to the…Dec 14, 2015Dec 14, 2015
A primer on the human brain for bio-hackersI’ve spent some time in the online nootropics community and I’ve found a disconcerting lack of understanding of the human brain. This…Dec 14, 20151Dec 14, 20151
Why I opted out of UWaterloos co-op program (or why jobmine sucks)One of the reasons I came to the fine University of Waterloo in warm and sunny Ontario, Canada was because of its (over)hyped cooperative…Feb 17, 2015Feb 17, 2015