Kausttubh Harish Tupe
2 min readFeb 7, 2024

How will I extract Metadata with Exif Tool

Discover the power of Exif Tool with these essential commands. Extract detailed metadata from your media files effortlessly, revealing hidden insights into your images, audio, and video. Use “exiftool [file]” to view comprehensive metadata, and “exiftool -a -s -G1 [file]” to list all available tags. Edit metadata with precision using “exiftool -tag=value [file]”, and remove specific tags with “exiftool -Tag= [file]”. Easily copy metadata between files with “exiftool -TagsFromFile source.jpg target.jpg”, and batch process files with “exiftool -r -tag=value directory/”. Experience seamless metadata management and unlock the full potential of your media collection with Exif Tool.

  1. View Metadata of an Image:
    exiftool image.jpg
    This command displays all metadata information stored in the image file image.jpg.
  2. View Specific Metadata Tags:
    exiftool -a -s -G1 image.jpg
    This command displays all available metadata tags for the image file image.jpg.
  3. Edit Metadata Tags:
    exiftool -artist=”John Doe”image.jpg
    This command edits the “Artist” metadata tag of the image file image.jpg and sets it to “John Doe”.
  4. Remove Specific Metadata Tags:
    exiftool -GPSLongitude= -GPSLatitude= image.jpg
    This command removes the GPS longitude and latitude metadata tags from the image file image.jpg.
  5. Copy Metadata from One Image to Another:
    exiftool -TagsFromFile source.jpg target.jpg
    This command copies all metadata tags from source.jpg to target.jpg.
  6. Batch Processing:
    exiftool -r -artist=”John Doe”directory/
    This command recursively sets the “Artist” metadata tag to “John Doe” for all image files in the specified directory and its subdirectories.
  7. Export Metadata to CSV File:
    exiftool -csv -r -f -FileName -DateTimeOriginal directory/ > metadata.csv
    This command exports metadata tags “FileName” and “DateTimeOriginal” for all image files in the specified directory and its subdirectories to a CSV file named metadata.csv
Kausttubh Harish Tupe

A Cybersecurity professional, trying to share my knowledge with the community.