Bliss App: Case Study on Mental Health Care


Kaustubh Ag
5 min readDec 26, 2021

In this virtual world it’s very tough to find things which can help to relieve stress and anxiety. No physical interactions have made it impossible for people to open up and share their feelings and thoughts.

So we had to design an app keeping in mind what people usually look for during these phases and how design can help in a way to make them feel better again.

We used Design Thinking Framework for this Problem.


This is the first stage of Design Thinking. In this stage we think from the user’s perspective so we conduct interviews and various methods to understand user pain points.

Primary Research

We conducted Primary Research to gain insights what problems people are facing. In Primary Research we conducted Interviews and Surveys to get some valuable insights from the users. Digging deeper into the problems.


Some of the questions which were asked during the interview.

  • What makes them feel stressed out ?
  • What things they do to release stress ?
  • How often they open themselves to other ?
  • Do they open themselves only to friends or anyone ?
  • Do they think that an app can release their stress?
  • Do you try to seek help from google when you feel that you are depressed ?

Some of the user quotes in Interview

  • “I can’t think of any positive things until I wrote down all things in paper.”
  • “I don’t let things out until I feel like I can’t solve my problem on my own.
    I will search on internet what symptoms are for depression and most them I don’t find the right things for me.”
  • I need to spend less time on finding solutions. Searching for literature takes too much time, and is not always available. Also, it’s hard to understand if it is good or bad literature.”
  • I feel shy to talk open up with my personal problems with other people and sometimes even to my friends.”
  • “ I need someone to talk to about things that my friends and family can’t understand. Friends and parents can make their emotional impressions on the discussion of a problem.”


Users: Mostly Students

Age: 16–24

Some of the questions from the interview

Insights from Interview and Survey

  • Most people don’t think depression as sickness they don’t accept the fact that they are going through any kind of stress and would ignore it by taking any headache medicine or from any other source of entertainment.
  • People want to share things with someone but anonymous person rather than friends and if the person is genuine.
  • People always go towards their friend for support or if they don’t feel that much then they go for music, Netflix etc.
  • Thinking of the society most people afraid to go to do psychiatrist, for whom we can build an app so that they can be treated being at home.
  • They are happy to do small things to release their stress like playing games.
  • Most people going through depression have difficulty in sleeping which ruins the other day making the person more depressed, tried various soft songs but neither works.
  • People google stuff to find the help but they can’t get anything sometimes they create myths which becomes difficult for user to get any help. Also there is so much content and also it’s hard to understand whether it’s good or bad.
  • Sometimes student’s are unable to balance their academic, friends and relationship and in between forget about their mental health.

Secondary Research

We did the Secondary Research to find out the statistical stuff things on internet, used by competitors, books and industry. By evaluating the various apps and doing the body storming we got some key features.

  • If there is a kind of emergency that if user is having suicidal thoughts then we should provide support group.
  • Adding the moderators to any community group to avoid negativity and stupid stuff.
  • Giving users to perform daily tasks to avoid making user’s to sit idle and remove negative thoughts and learning to control their negative thoughts.
  • Providing ways to express their problems, keeping positive content in the app to make people feel motivated.
  • Connect with professionals or community groups and making users do breathing exercises or meditation.

Customer Journey Map

In this we capture user’s mood when they are in the particular situation. Get insights about where user are facing the problems.


Card Sorting

In this we segregate the things which we need to put down into each screen so that it’s easy to visualize and make wireframes.

User Personas

From the interviews and survey we created two personas of student to think in their perspective what they would have done.

Competitive Analysis

We compare our app features with other competitors to see that if we don’t lack and what additional features our app exist which will be unique selling points.


User Flow

We created the user flow to see the mapping of all the screens and proper navigations.

Information Architecture

In this we map all the information to which page will it be shown and explaining all the features each page would be having.



People with different nature think differently and everyone has a different way of dealing with their problems. Everybody like to have their own space.

We created a prototype of an app that can bring a person from a phase of guilt, anxiety, stress all these negatives to the moments they was proud on themselves, people they love, share any kind of thoughts and thus stand up again and live their life with joy and a goal.

I made this project with my partner Nishita Patnaik

