Top Indian NGOs Accepting Donations For Books, Education, and Other Needs of Children

6 min readMar 12, 2024

Which non-profit organisation for child welfare should I fund? is presumably one of the most frequently asked questions by those who want to help the younger generation. If you identify as one of them, keep reading! Helplocal will outline the best non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in this blog post if you would like to help impoverished children in India.

These nonprofit organisations work to uplift the young brains of India by providing literature, education, medical care, and clothing to children. We’ll also tell you about items you can donate to non-profits that support children!

Let’s start with the top NGOs for child welfare list

Donating online to support the education of poor children in India is a meaningful way to contribute to their future and help break the cycle of poverty. Donation for Child Education in India is that focus on providing education to underprivileged children.

Top NGOs in India to donate clothing, books, and education to children

If you would like to help a poor child in India have a better childhood, please donate to the following NGOs:

1. Chandigarh’s Nanhe Kadam

Renu Goel launched Nanhe Kadam, one of the top non-profit NGOs, in 2010. This welfare organisation is fervently dedicated to making sure that children not only survive but thrive because they feel that every child deserves the best opportunity for a bright future.

Through its many programmes and medical camps, Nanhe Kadam helps the health and education of underprivileged children. It puts a lot of effort into making the lives of the most disadvantaged kids in Chandigarh, India, better.

2. Two Wellsprings in Vadodara and Mumbai

Wellsprings, which Rushi Dave founded in 2019, has become well-known throughout India for its charitable works. It facilitates impoverished children’s access to primary healthcare and free, high-quality education in Mumbai. They contend that all children in India, wealthy or not, are entitled to an education.

Children at Wellsprings are also taught the critical life skills they need to deal with the harsh realities of society. Contribute and become a member of this premier NGO to help grassroots child welfare initiatives.

3. Amritsar’s Aapke Saath

Another well-known NGO to support underprivileged Indian children. The goal of Aapke Saath’s founding in 2019 was to aid Amritsar’s underprivileged. It employs a group of social activists that want to improve child education, lower the prevalence of child hunger, and ensure that children’s opinions are heard when it comes to matters that impact them.

Aapke Saath is well-known in Amritsar, India, for its assistance to the elderly. One of the greatest child welfare organisations is here, where you can volunteer or make a monetary donation to support human wellbeing.

4. The Aurangabad Stambh

The Stambh is a child-focused non-profit organisation that was founded in 2017 with the goal of achieving children’s rights in India. This Aurangabad-based organisation fights for disadvantaged kids living in camps and slums to have access to high-quality education.

Their mission is to uplift and encourage people to change the culture of giving by making a positive difference in the lives of underprivileged kids and making them happy. For the benefit of children, you can volunteer or make a financial donation to The Stambh NGO.

5. India’s Youngistaan Foundation

One of the most well-known NGOs in India is the Youngistaan Foundation. It focuses on high-quality, affordable, and reproducible interventions to give underprivileged kids a healthy education. The Youngistaan Foundation, which was established in 2014, focuses heavily on providing children with food and health care.

The Youngistaan Foundation has expanded in both scope and scale, making it one of the greatest NGOs for contributing to the wellbeing of children. There are 5,000 volunteers on the squad. Mumbai, New Delhi, Bhopal, Hyderabad, Bangalore, and other major Indian cities are among the places where children are receiving aid from this organisation.

What can you give to underprivileged kids in India’s nonprofit NGOs?

There are lots of ways you may support underprivileged kids if you care about them. Contributions to Indian non-profit NGOs are among the greatest options. The following goods could be donated to aid underprivileged kids.

1 Give food donations

The fact that almost 38% of youngsters in India are stunted may make you cry. A poor diet is the main contributor to this problem. Healthy food can be donated to well-known non-profit child NGOs as a way to support them. Speak with local child-welfare agencies to find out what kind of food they should be providing to children who are starving.

One or more of the following goods could be given to kids in NGOs:








2 Give away clothing

Another option is to give new clothing to underprivileged kids through nonprofit Indian child welfare organisations. If you’re not wealthy enough to purchase new wearables, make an effort to purge your home of any outdated models. Everybody has clothes laying around the house that they no longer wear. It’s possible that these will be donated to kids who can use them more effectively. Set aside the clothing that you want to give away.

The following clothing could be given to underprivileged Indian children:







3 Make a financial donation

Throughout India, there are hundreds of nonprofit kid NGOs that dedicate their time, expertise, and experiences to improving the lives of underprivileged children. But their shortage of funds frequently prevents them from realising their generous objectives.

Donating money to these nonprofit child welfare organisations is one way to support them. Even if you’re not wealthy enough, you might still be a generous person and give them a tiny sum (even 500 or 1000 INR).

Here are a few of the greatest methods for giving money to Indian non-profits that support children:

Net banking


Apple Pay,

Google Pay,


4. Present gifts on unique occasions

Festivals enrich our life with excitement and happiness. While some celebrations represent the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil, others represent awareness and wisdom. Everyone, especially impoverished youngsters, has an equal right to participate in any event.

Give gifts to the underprivileged kids residing in non-profit organisations (NGOs). Carrying out such an act will guarantee that underprivileged kids may also afford to celebrate the holidays with some happiness. It will inspire them to look forward to a better year by providing them with some hope and relief from their current circumstances.

The best things to provide children residing in non-profit child NGOs in India are the things listed below:

Chocolate box



Wishing cards


5 Donate books

Books teach kids empathy, the difference between right and evil, and how to make sense of the world around them. They also teach them principles and values — often without coming across as preachy. Many children in India are either illiterate or unable to afford books due to financial constraints. Give them instructive literature; they will benefit from these for their education.

The following useful books are available for donation to Indian non-profit kid NGOs:

General knowledge books

Study books

Poem books

Story books

Drawing books


6 Donate toys

Young children “work” through play. Toys give kids the drive and the means by which they can learn to regulate their bodies from the very beginning of life. Sadly, a lot of kids in India never get to play with toys. Give toys to kids residing in nonprofit child welfare organisations as a donation.

Giving out a beloved and much-needed gift to underprivileged kids benefits them in so many ways beyond just receiving the item. You have two options: either purchase a new toy or remove the old ones from your house. It will undoubtedly make their naive cheeks smile.

The following well-liked toys can be donated to Indian child NGOs:


Cars and trucks

Brick consoles

Stuffed toys

Hero figurines

Donate with Helplocal

Your contributions are essential to India’s development. Giving back to underprivileged kids will make you feel more fulfilled and progress as a person. You will also feel good about contributing to India’s future. Join Helplocal to assist with child welfare. At the ground level, we support multiple nonprofit organisations that support children.

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