Why Indian women in technology don’t last longer?

Kavitha Kumarasamy
6 min readNov 3, 2017


When I was actively looking into few blog websites to write a good content, I smiled when I read the phrase “women-in-tech especially in India is not just a requirement, but a necessity”.

A thought to address Indian women-in-tech:

After reading the phrase above, I thought for a moment and decided to address all aspiring existing women-in-tech and the problem we go through at our workplaces,which also includes any area in and around office premises and sometimes back home. Of course, we are here not only to talk about general women-in-tech problems but also to find a solution. Looking at the current scenario of women working in tech, one thing is very clear, one problem seems quite big for some women and the same doesn’t have to be that big for another. Same goes with the solution. So, the solutions we talk might not be the exact solution but we can consider one of the many ways to address the problem of retainment in tech.

Why women-in-tech don’t retain:

So, as per statistics and few generalization let’s assume women-in-tech are at most 25% of overall population. This percentage includes anybody other than male community. Also the highest experience of a women does not exceed more than 10–12 years(approx.), but I can hear my male bosses says 20–21 years of experience in tech. This was very surprising to me when both gender said they have started their career right after their college.

What could be the possible reasons , is that women starting the career late? or delayed promotions? or women are not aware that there are several innovations happening around in Computer engineering? or What it could be? Why? I had a constant thinking and after several talks over those wonderful ever inspiring women and female leads whom I got a chance to talk with, told me few things out of their experience, which actually made me catch one of the fewer problems in more elaborate way. One word to sum up would be , they don’t retain in their field because of, “their own thinkings”.

The real problems:

Having found women-in-tech percentage is very low and women don’t retain for longer years, with existing and very own stereotypes women have in mind, let’s focus on the factors, what makes us NOT to be women-in-tech for long time.

  1. “Stereotypes attached on us”.

Women are suitable for teaching jobs, as women can dig deep to any concept and make the point clear to future generation. Hey, we are happy in a way that you say we can make the points clear, thanks. Also I personally feel the next generation future is in woman’s hand, mother mostly. Having said that, it’s every woman’s duty to make her son/daughter not to generalize and stick any stigmas/stereotypes to women. Like teaching, there happens to be few more jobs like receptionist, air hostess, and so on which has similar kind of perception on women.

Moving on to software field, which I am mostly interested, the biggest assumption is women cannot code(oops! world would disagree with this) women cannot write decent code, women cannot manage work-life balance, women need easy jobs. (Pff seriously?) Women are good testers.(That’s a great stereotype!) The saddest part is we women-in-tech believe this stereotypes are true! Just let’s come out of this stereotypes and our very own mind made other stereotypes. Ignore the strings attached and social stigmas on all women-in-tech and punch on those stereotypes hard! Prove what you are to yourself. That could be the best solution.

2. “Women prefer family over work”

As a woman, I agree to this point, we worry too much about our family, children, in-laws, husband, any living and some non-living around us. It is a good part in us. But that’s not where we should stop ourselves. We are not only passing our knowledge to future generation, but also the will power to manage work and life, being strong and successful in every occupation we take. When it comes to software industry, we have to double prove that we are stronger in every step of our career growth and being a minority that’s quite difficult , but seriously we can make it! So ladies, it’s our duty to prove we love both work and family to this world.

3. “Being afraid, what would men say, how will men approach me, what would world even think of me?”

Among the above two problems, I personally feel this one is more tricky. Being afraid of your peer men views? Oh come on ladies, who remembers us when we leave the company, at least when he goes home, gone are all those sayings and thinkings of his! Finally, it is you, your will power, your way of handling problems, your way of answering men would actually make difference!

I personally think this quotes, “People treat you how you teach them to treat you” is apt for this problem. It is as simple as that. You don’t have to let the problem trouble you. It is just that, you take the way you wanted it to be. I strongly recommend, don’t be afraid what would men or world would say, take it in a positive tone and analyze them carefully, if it is really an issue to be corrected, we can try to change or solve the same. If not, assume he is in 18th century and just say to yourself “Grow up kid!”.

4. “Not Being you.”

Yes this sometimes become a problem for women-in-tech. Especially, when you try to be bold, demanding, straightforward and try to learn things. (which men think we never do.) But dears, haven’t we read in all those inspirational books, talks and teachings to be ourselves? Why do we stop ourselves after reading and not implementing in tech life? Let’s try to be ourselves. Oh! we are demanding, good for us! we are bold good for us! We are straightforward, in a way it is good for them too! We talk in high decibel, fine! That’s us! That’s pretty much us! When you are actually doing the talk, men say women argue! Fine! Let us map one-to-one relationship with their english word ‘argue’ to ‘discussing’. As simple as that! Let’s proudly say “I am what I am” and keep calm and showing upward progress in our career life.

5. “Not ready for a change”

The last point, we are not completely ready for any change or to make things straight. Due to various factors, we push ourselves down, we bend and think falsely we are not ready. I say this to myself every time when something unexpected happens, “Honey, you are always ready! Expect the Unexpected”. Just talking and thinking over and over on every problem we face does not change anything, we should take a step forward, be the cause for the change in women-in-tech society. Take responsibility, ignore negative comments, overcome the fear, take every opportunity seriously! “You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.” If you are not provided, take them! Always be ready for new roles and new assignments.


Having said all this and a few blame on other gender, we should strongly say many women-in-tech are more positive, reached heights and what they are now is all because of men, be it her father, her husband, her son, her co-worker, oh yeah her boss! In the world we co-exists. Results have no gender. One thing which I completely disagree is generalizing all problems we face today in tech are due to men. Nope, not totally. But yeah we see a few. The stepping stone of our success will be improvising ourselves every day, ignoring negativity and just focusing on our career goals. It is us who define our happiness. It is not the problems that’s bothering us, it is that we make our problem to be a greater problem.

An opportunity is lost, only when we don’ try again.” So my dear women-in-tech, let’s be ourselves! Go heights! Retain in tech! Don’t let the problems, trouble you. Prove what we are!!! Focus ladies!!!



Kavitha Kumarasamy

iOS freak | mobile developer | front end developer | Reactjs | React-Native | dancer | A Mother | Marvel fan | Cyclist | Table Tennis enthusiast | a learner.