Mastering Version Control with TortoiseGit: A Step-by-Step Guide

4 min readMar 5, 2024


TortoiseGit is a free and open-source distributed version control system (DVCS) that provides a Git client for Windows with an integrated user interface. It is part of the Tortoise family of Windows Shell extensions, which also includes TortoiseSVN (for Subversion).

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the installation, prerequisites, uses, key features, and how to use TortoiseGit.

For information on about Git and its commands refer the below links



Before diving into TortoiseGit, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. Git: TortoiseGit relies on Git, so it must be installed on your system. You can download the latest version of Git from
  2. Windows Operating System: TortoiseGit is designed for Windows and integrates seamlessly with the Windows Explorer shell.

Installation Steps

  1. Download TortoiseGit: Visit the official TortoiseGit website and download the installer. Run the installer executable.
  2. Installation Wizard: Follow the installation wizard, accepting the default settings unless you have specific preferences.
  3. Git Path Configuration: During installation, TortoiseGit will ask for the path to the Git executable. If Git was installed before TortoiseGit, the installer usually detects it automatically. Otherwise, browse to the Git executable location.
  4. Integration Options: Choose whether you want TortoiseGit to integrate with Windows Explorer and other applications.
  5. Finish Installation: Complete the installation, and TortoiseGit will be ready to use.

Getting Started with TortoiseGit

Now that TortoiseGit is installed, let’s explore its uses and key features.


  1. Version Control: TortoiseGit simplifies version control tasks, making it easy to commit changes, track history, and collaborate with team members.
  2. Graphical Interface: The Windows Explorer integration allows users to perform Git operations directly from the context menu, making it accessible and user-friendly.
  3. Branching and Merging: Create branches, merge changes, and resolve conflicts effortlessly using TortoiseGit’s graphical tools.
  4. Log and History: Visualize the commit history, branches, and merges through the graphical log, providing insights into project development.

Key Features

  1. Windows Integration: Seamless integration with Windows Explorer for a familiar and convenient user experience.
  2. Graphical Log: Intuitive visualization of commit history, branches, and merges.
  3. Context Menu Operations: Perform Git operations directly from the right-click context menu in Windows Explorer.
  4. Merge and Conflict Resolution: Streamlined tools for merging branches and resolving conflicts during development.
  5. Tagging and Branching: Easily create and manage branches and tags through the graphical interface.
  6. Submodule Support: Work with nested repositories using TortoiseGit’s support for Git submodules.
  7. Revision Browser: Browse through the project’s revision history and view file changes over time.

Let’s walk through the basic steps of using TortoiseGit for cloning a repository, creating branches, committing changes, and adding files.

1. Cloning a Repository:

Cloning allows you to create a local copy of a remote repository on your machine.

  1. Open Windows Explorer: Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository.
  2. Right-Click: Right-click in the folder, and from the context menu, select Git Clone....
  3. Enter Repository URL: In the dialog that appears, enter the URL of the Git repository you want to clone. Click OK to initiate the cloning process.[Gop through the checkboxes like branch etc if required]
  4. Wait for Completion: TortoiseGit will download the repository, creating a local copy in the selected folder.

2. Creating a Branch:

Branching allows you to work on separate features or fixes without affecting the main codebase.

  1. Navigate to Repository: Open the repository in Windows Explorer
  2. Right-Click: Right-click in the folder, go to TortoiseGit, and select Create Branch....
  3. Enter Branch Name: Provide a name for your new branch and click OK. This creates a new branch based on the current branch you were on.

3. Making Changes and Committing:

Now that you have your branch, let’s make changes and commit them.

  1. Edit Files: Make changes to the files in your working directory.
  2. Add Changes: Right-click on the modified files, go to TortoiseGit, and select Add.... This stages the changes for the commit.
  3. Commit Changes: Right-click again, go to Git Commit -> "master" (replace "master" with your branch name), and enter a commit message. Click OK to commit the changes.

4. Pushing Changes:

Once you’ve committed your changes locally, you may want to push them to the remote repository.

  1. Right-Click: Right-click in the folder, go to TortoiseGit, and select Push....
  2. Push Changes: In the dialog, click OK to push your changes to the remote repository.

These basic steps cover cloning, creating branches, committing changes, and pushing them using TortoiseGit. Keep in mind that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and TortoiseGit offers many more features for advanced version control workflows. As you become more comfortable, explore additional functionalities provided by TortoiseGit to enhance your Git experience.




A dedicated coding enthusiast and lifelong learner.