On comparing SciPy Optimize and CVXPY

3 min readMay 16, 2024


Both CVXPY and SciPy’s optimize module are powerful tools for solving optimization problems in Python, but they are designed for different types of problems and have different strengths and limitations. Here's a detailed comparison of the two:



  • Purpose: Designed specifically for convex optimization problems.
  • Ease of Use: Uses a natural mathematical syntax for defining optimization problems, making it intuitive for those with a background in mathematical optimization.
  • Flexibility: Can handle a wide range of convex problems, including linear programs, quadratic programs, and general convex programs.
  • Modeling Language: Provides a high-level modeling language that abstracts away much of the complexity involved in defining optimization problems.


  • Convex Optimization: Specializes in convex optimization, guaranteeing global optima for convex problems.
  • Rich Syntax: Allows for expressive problem definitions that closely resemble mathematical notation.
  • Integration: Easily integrates with other scientific computing libraries like NumPy and Pandas.
  • Constraint Handling: Efficiently handles a variety of constraints (equality, inequality, etc.) and supports complex constraint combinations.


  • Non-Convex Problems: Not suitable for non-convex optimization problems.
  • Solver Dependencies: Relies on external solvers (like SCS, ECOS, and OSQP), which may require additional installation and configuration.

Example Use Case:

import cvxpy as cp

# Define variables
x = cp.Variable()
y = cp.Variable()

# Define the objective function
objective = cp.Minimize(x**2 + y**2)

# Define constraints
constraints = [x + y == 1, x - y >= 1]

# Formulate and solve the problem
problem = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)

print(f"Optimal value: {problem.value}")
print(f"Optimal variable values: x = {x.value}, y = {y.value}")

SciPy Optimize


  • Purpose: Provides a collection of general-purpose optimization algorithms.
  • Versatility: Can handle a wide variety of optimization problems, including linear, nonlinear, and mixed-integer programming.
  • Algorithms: Includes algorithms for both convex and non-convex problems, such as gradient descent, simplex, and trust-region methods.


  • General-Purpose: Suitable for a broad range of optimization problems, both convex and non-convex.
  • Algorithm Variety: Offers multiple optimization algorithms, allowing users to choose the one best suited to their problem.
  • Integration: Part of the SciPy library, which is widely used in the scientific computing community and integrates well with other SciPy modules.


  • Complex Syntax: Defining problems can be less intuitive compared to CVXPY, especially for those without a deep understanding of optimization algorithms.
  • Manual Constraints: Handling constraints can be more manual and less straightforward compared to CVXPY.

Example Use Case:

from scipy.optimize import minimize

# Define the objective function
def objective(x):
return x[0]**2 + x[1]**2

# Define the constraints
constraints = (
{'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: x[0] + x[1] - 1},
{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x[0] - x[1] - 1}

# Initial guess
x0 = [0, 0]

# Solve the problem
result = minimize(objective, x0, constraints=constraints)

print(f"Optimal value: {result.fun}")
print(f"Optimal variable values: x = {result.x[0]}, y = {result.x[1]}")
Convex vs Non-convex curve

Source: https://web.stanford.edu/~pilanci/papers/TALK_Sketching.pdf


Problem Types:

  • CVXPY: Best for convex optimization problems.
  • SciPy Optimize: Versatile, handling both convex and non-convex problems.

Ease of Use:

  • CVXPY: Higher-level, more intuitive syntax for defining optimization problems.
  • SciPy Optimize: Lower-level, requires more manual setup and understanding of specific algorithms.

Constraint Handling:

  • CVXPY: Efficient and intuitive handling of complex constraints.
  • SciPy Optimize: More manual handling of constraints, which can be less intuitive.

Solver Integration:

  • CVXPY: Integrates with specialized convex optimization solvers.
  • SciPy Optimize: Uses built-in algorithms and does not require external solvers.


Choose CVXPY if your problem is convex and you prefer an easy-to-use, high-level interface for defining optimization problems. Choose SciPy Optimize if you need to solve a wider variety of optimization problems, including non-convex problems, and you are comfortable with a more hands-on approach to defining constraints and selecting algorithms.

convex and non-convex curves

