Perfect Indian Woman

Kavya jain
3 min readMay 9, 2020


Perfect Traditional Indian Woman

Who is a perfect Indian women? Is it good to be a perfect Indian woman? Who is an ideal Indian woman?

A perfect Indian woman is the one who sacrifices at every stage in her life, the one who marries early without having choice of her own, the one who is good at anger management, who studies well but doesn’t dream to work, the one who fulfils her parents dream and not her own. Being unambitious and the one whose “Home is work and Society is life”.

Indian woman are not meant to wear short skirts, they do not talk to other men, and is always protecting her husband by giving up on what they want.

Being an Indian woman, I have always been said you are a woman and behave like a woman. Don’t act like a man. Basically, don’t race, don’t complain, don’t sit like that, don’t shout, don’t have any tattoos and don’t be like a man. Also, don’t be aggressive, don’t have any opinions and don’t be a feminist. A perfect woman is the one who says yes to everything and is pretty with long hair and the one who doesn’t show her skin.

A woman who works and lives their dream, the one who has a boyfriend, the one who fights for freedom are imperfect modern woman. If a woman stands for the right, earns well, is smart and who mastered the art of public speaking is a fallen woman. If the parents of such woman are considering them good, then they are bad too. Girls night out, spinster parties, marry a person of her choice and solo travel is not in their dictionary.

Society says : shut up

Woman : not anymore

Imperfect Modern Indian Woman

Tradition and culture is in woman’s blood. It cannot be taken away from “modernised women”. Society says what does she know about sanskar when she has already lost it? A modernised woman is just a term which describes every woman in a different way. Being independent and intelligent doesn’t mean you have lost your “sanskar”. Kuddos to the confused Indian society. Now, stop confusing us.

A woman who works in corporate offices are treated different. If she is corporate woman then she definitely drinks, if she is a vegetarian then she might have eaten non-veg. She is a woman who hangout with multiple men and always reaches home late in the night. She might have slept with a man and doesn’t care about her parents. Well, thats not true. Every woman is different in her own way. To all such narrow minded people who has set a bad mentality about woman, god save ya because in near future, corporate is going to lead everything. So let’s corporate. Now decide whether to let your daughters work in corporate or not.

Do you still want to be a perfect woman or fight for freedom of choice, love and believe in yourself, stay strong, make money and live to the fullest. A woman should balance between the needs and wants.

live free
Behind every successful woman is herself

“Life is so much more enjoyable this way and that’s why it’s okay not to be perfect”



Kavya jain

Software Engineer. Optimistic. Diplomatic. Tea Lover. Woman Empowerment