Tensorflow tf.data Pipeline for Multiple Time Series

Kavya Malla
4 min readJun 20, 2022


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

My goal for this year is to get myself Tensorflow developer certified. As part of the preparations, I went through the various tutorials in the tensorflow website. One of the tutorials was for Time Series Forecasting. If you haven’t gone through it yet, I highly recommend going through the tutorial. Time series forecasting | TensorFlow Core.

Fast forward a few months, I came across a similar problem at work. I had to work with 10k+ different time series at once and develop models for such a dataset. I had written a class for Preprocessing from scratch which resulted in almost (500 lines of code for just the preprocessing). This preprocessing class could do all the tasks required for this particular task.

As the person I am, I wanted to further optimize this code and also learn to use tf.data pipeline for preprocessing. I remembered how I learnt about the Window Generator. Now comes the issue, Window Generator was for a single time series. I searched online for resources if there was an existing post of extending the WindowGenerator class for multiple time series but with no luck.

Here, I am sharing the WindowGenerator which works with Multiple Time Series

WindowsGenerator — Brief Introduction

WindowsGenerator is the preprocessing class from the Tensorflow’s Time Series Tutorial. It implements the following methods:

  • constructor — takes a single time series dataframe (train, val and test dfs) and stores the relevant slicing information for inputs and labels.
  • split_window — takes a single array of size total_window_sizeand splits it to inputs and labels.
  • plot — plots a min(max_plots, batch_size) number of examples. Shows all inputs, labels and predictions in the example plot.
  • make_dataset — converts the input array to a tf.data.Dataset and applies the split_window method on the dataset. Returns us the input to the different models.

Details of the Dataset used for the tutorial

I have used the same weather dataset used in the original tutorial. I am trying to use ‘T (degC)’ as the label column and ‘p (mbar)’ and ‘rh (%)’ as the additional regressors to use as additional variables in the multi variate analysis.

Different Constants used throughout the notebook
Different configuration used in the notebook. [Image by Author]

Example of the data used for the updated Window Generator. The data has 3 series with the Series ID = 1, 2 or 3. Each Series is a copy of the original weather dataset and was only created for this tutorial.

Data contains 3 different time series with SeriesID 1, 2 or 3. [Image by Author]

Updated Window Generator for Multiple Time Series

The differences between Original WindowGenerator and MultiSeriesWindowGenerator constructor

  • addition of batch_size as a parameter.
  • removal of train_df, val_df, test_dfas parameters to the init function.
  • added regressor_columns, static_columnsfor better management of input features to the model.
  • addition of GROUPBY as a parameter to identify different series in the input data.

Now, we add a method to update the train, test and val dfs to the window generator class. The following code does 3 things

  • Takes the input series (train, val, test) and convert them individually into tensors, in the shape (n_series x n_batch x n_timesteps x n_features)
  • I have added the normalization step inside update_datasets method. This is completely optional through the flag norm
  • I have moved the column_indicesinitialization from the constructor to the update_datasets to update based on the train_df every time.

The split_window and plotmethods do not need to be updated and can be used from the original WindowGenerator class.

To keep the interface as same as possible, I have renamed WindowGenerator.make_dataset to MultSeriesWindowGenerator.make_cohort and add a new make_dataset method which will call the make_cohort method internally.

The above make_dataset method does 3 things

  1. It will call make_cohort for each of the series in data. Note that make_cohort returns a tf.data.Dataset as shown in the original tutorial.
  2. It will then zip all different tf.data.Dataset and then we stack all the inputs and labels as shown in the stack_windows function to create a single Dataset object.
  3. We unbatch the data, shuffle it and then batch the data again as per our defined batch_size.
  4. Finally we prefetch the Dataset and return this as the output.

The rest of the code remains same. At this point, I plotted an example to see if everything is working as expected.

An Example Window Plot [Image by Author]

I’ve tested using the MultiSeriesWindowGenerator with the Baseline model provided in the tutorial. You can see the results here.

Baseline with MultiSeriesWindowGenerator plot [Image by Author]

Final Thoughts

Thank you for following the tutorial so far. I hope I helped at least one person with their quest on finding a WindowGenerator which works for multiple time series. You can find the full code in the following git link: WindowGenerator_with_Multiple_Time_Series.ipynb

Are there any issues in this code? Are there any other features you would want to see implemented? Do let me know in the comments. Thanks in advance.

Happy Reading! and Have a great day everyone :)



Kavya Malla

I love learning about all things related to Math. An aspiring Tensorflow Developer and a newbie Quantum Enthusiast