Exploring Dart’s Math Library: A Comprehensive Guide

Kavy mistry
3 min readJan 19, 2024


Dart, a modern, object-oriented programming language developed by Google, has gained popularity for its simplicity and versatility. Dart is particularly known for its usage in developing web and mobile applications, and it comes with a variety of libraries that make development efficient and straightforward. One such library is, which provides essential mathematical operations for developers. In this article, we will explore the dart:math library and how it can be leveraged to perform various mathematical computations in Dart.

Importing the dart:math Library

Before diving into the functionality of the library, it’s essential to import it into your Dart code. To do this, use the following import statement:

import 'dart:math';

Once you’ve included this import statement, you gain access to a plethora of mathematical functions and constants that can simplify complex calculations in your Dart applications.

Basic Mathematical Operations

The dart:math library covers a wide range of basic mathematical operations, making it an indispensable tool for developers dealing with numeric computations. Let's explore some of the fundamental functions provided by the library:

1. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division

void main() {
// Basic arithmetic operations
var sum = 2 + 3;
var difference = 5 - 2;
var product = 4 * 6;
var quotient = 10 / 2;

print('Sum: $sum');
print('Difference: $difference');
print('Product: $product');
print('Quotient: $quotient');

2. Exponential and Square Root

void main() {
// Exponential and square root
var square = pow(4, 2); // 4 raised to the power of 2
var squareRoot = sqrt(9); // Square root of 9

print('Square: $square');
print('Square Root: $squareRoot');

3. Trigonometric Functions

void main() {
// Trigonometric functions
var sineValue = sin(30 * (pi / 180)); // Sine of 30 degrees
var cosineValue = cos(45 * (pi / 180)); // Cosine of 45 degrees
var tangentValue = tan(60 * (pi / 180)); // Tangent of 60 degrees

print('Sine: $sineValue');
print('Cosine: $cosineValue');
print('Tangent: $tangentValue');

Constants in dart:math

The library also includes various mathematical constants that can be useful in certain calculations. The most notable constant is, which represents the mathematical constant pi (π). Here's an example:

void main() {
// Using mathematical constants
var circleArea = 2 * pi * pow(5, 2); // Area of a circle with radius 5

print('Area of the circle: $circleArea');

Random Numbers

Another significant feature of the dart:math library is its ability to generate random numbers. The Random class is part of the library and can be used to generate pseudo-random numbers. Here's a simple example:

void main() {
// Generating random numbers
var random = Random();
var randomNumber = random.nextInt(100); // Generates a random integer between 0 and 99

print('Random Number: $randomNumber');

In this example, nextInt(100) generates a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and 100 (exclusive). You can adjust the argument to generate random numbers within a different range.


The dart:math library in Dart provides a robust set of tools for performing various mathematical operations, making it an essential asset for developers working on numeric computations. Whether you need basic arithmetic operations, trigonometric functions, or random number generation, this library has you covered. By incorporating dart:math it into your Dart projects, you can streamline mathematical computations and enhance the efficiency of your applications.

