Raptoreum And MMORPG A Use Case

4 min readJan 31, 2019


Everything Could Be Veritably Unique And Traceable

For this use case I will use a MMORPG called Lineage II as it is a game spent much time, probably too much time playing back in the day. It follows the norm, you have different races which you level up to gain additional skills, spells, sub-classes. You also have a vast amount of different weapons that can be enchanted, over-enchanted, and special abilities added, some of them very rare. I have seen items in this game selling for up to 10k USD, I have also seen people scammed out of large sums of money when trading items.

Introducing Raptoreum to a MMORPG would change things on a huge scale, and for the better! Now you have all items registered on the blockchain where they can be traced through their lifetime, safely traded, (even cross platform) and rarity proven.

Uniqueness And Rarity That Can Be Proven

I knew people in L2 that spent hundreds of hours, maybe even thousands working on getting certain rare weapons and armor, or jewels. Once they finally made it happen they were now in possession of something that was rare, but how rare? There was not really any way to tell, market dictated price which in a way showed how rare it was “thought” to be.

Players could even attach videos and pictures of an item and any other data they want to an items token using IPFS, this could be added as feature ingame.

<Enter Stage Right Raptoreum>

A unique asset could be issued for any and every item in-game, and a very simple way to determine just how rare that item is, is to give it a weight. By weight I mean the amount of the asset that is created for the item, the higher the number of the asset the rarer the item. Incredibly simple yet very effective. Now each player can see just how rare their items are and even better it can be verified not only as to how rare it is, maybe it could even be one of a kind!

Safe Trading

This is where the combination of assets and smart contracts in Raptoreum really shines. You want to sell or trade your item in-game, this could work like so:

Generate a RTM address (in game client) and attach it to your item, set a price. Now when a player makes the purchase either by in-game currency or native RTM coins and sends the required amount to your address a smart contract fires that verifies the amount, sends the asset to the sending address, the game sees this transfer which triggers it to transfer the item to the buyer. 0 risk leads to happier players and a better gaming experience.


The smart contracts the handle trades do not care if you are ingame or out of game, if you are on your phone, or sitting by a fire in the frozen wastelands of Siberia. As long as you know the receiving address and amount of RTM you can complete the trade at anytime from anywhere by simply sending the RTM. This opens the door for all types of external marketplaces for these games, even cross platform trades, with no middleman, no additional fees, and safely.

Cross Platform Item Transfers And Trades

Should the game developers have multiple games Raptoreum could allow for items to be traded from game to game or exchanged for another weapon of equal rareness, again safely, and all recorded on the public ledger (RTM blockchain).

Limited Time Items

Raptoreum will have the ability to set a “decay” time on tokens, this is controlled either by timestamp or transaction. Example for transaction (tx) would be an item that requires payment to keep it alive and after X amount of payments it is destroyed.

Clans And Allies

This could be pretty broad use so I will give a simple idea. Clan / Ally leaders could issue tokens to clan and ally members. This instantly gives the ability to message members and even pay them dividends and do voting.

Benefits For The Game Developers

  • The fact that items can be proven unique or rare is a big draw for players which would most likely lead to increased sales and longer membership.
  • Decreased support time and more efficient support as a whole. People being scammed ingame and out of game account for many manhours.
  • Ability to offer game owners a share in the company by attaching a unique token to a game or license purchase.
  • Token owner can broadcast a message to token holders, game developers now have a direct line of communication to all their gamers.
  • Tokens can also be used for tracking game sales and licenses.
  • Developers can hold votes and involve any token holders they wish.
  • Possibility to create an complete marketplace ecosystem using native coin and tokens completely removing the hassle and red tape of fiat. This ecosystem can seamlessly bridge ingame and out of game.
  • Easy limited time items and events using Raptoreums decay function on tokens.
  • Ingame gambling system becomes not only easier but more fun and flexible.
  • Much simpler to create an ecosystem of games that spans across platforms and different games seamlessly.

Benefits For Gamers

  • You know exactly what you have for items and their worth which allows you to set your price more accurately.
  • Bragging rights that you can easily prove!
  • Attach screenshots, videos, and any other data you like to an items token using IPFS.
  • Easier and safer trading, more opportunity to make $$ should you choose.
  • No need to be ingame to trade and sell items.
  • Cross game and platform item transfers.

Raptoreum could be used to create an entire gaming ecosystem encompassing many games, platforms, and a marketplace to tie it all together. All connected, verifiable, and at a low cost to the company which could translate to lower prices for the gamers.

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