3 min readNov 20, 2018
Raptoreum features list

Raptoreum is a combination of Ravencoins features and upcoming features with smart contracts. This opens the door to the next level of utility and the potential for DAPPs is near limitless. The addition of smart contracts allows transfer of assets to be automated in a trustless fashion VIA smart contracts.

Raptoreums Feature List

Being that Raptoreum is a Ravencoin fork we inherit the same features and I will be linking to relevant articles rather then fully explaining each feature specific to Ravencoin. Most of these will be articles by Tron Black and he explains them better then me anyways :)

Type: POW (Proof Of Work)

Raptoreum is GPU mineable and ASIC resistant, using the ProgPow ( Programmatic Proof-of-Work) algorithm. ProgPow offers ASIC resistance by utilizing near 100% of the hardware it runs on. This in turn makes the advantage of and ASIC so small it is not worth producing one to run it.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are introduced as the way to provide trustless and automated transfer of assets / tokens. Due to the way they are handled they will not only have a larger allowed size then Ethereums contracts but also allow a greater variety of languages in their writing.


Masternodes are responsible for storing and executing smart contracts, having nodes handle contracts rather than adding them to blocks greatly reduces the chances of scaling issues, like Ethereum has been experiencing. In addition this also allows larger smart contracts and a wider variety of languages that can be used to create them.

Assets / Tokens

You will see these terms used often, they are one in the same. Assets and sub-assets will be easily created from inside your Raptoreum wallet just like Ravencoin. Assets must be uniquely named and only one of each can exist. Assets cost 500 RTM to create, that RTM is burned and removed from the circulating supply. There is no reservation system, the first one to create an asset is the owner.

Assets can be sent easily to any RTM address of your choice should you choose so, just the same as sending coins.

For a full Asset FAQ checkout Tron Blacks (Head dev for Ravencoin)FAQ here: https://medium.com/@tronblack/ravencoin-asset-faq-e0d04d460e9b

Messaging And Voting

The ability for asset owners to message (broadcast) holders of tokens is soon to be added, this is really an amazing feature. See Trons article on this here: https://medium.com/@tronblack/ravencoin-kaaawww-2f72077aece

Why Raptoreum

First of all I have been a hardcore RVN supporter since the beginning, and remain so, it is not something that will ever change. Raptoreum is not created to be competition for Ravencoin but rather to unlock what we saw as massive potential that could not be tapped into.

Combining Ravencoins features with smart contracts is an amazing mix with huge potential for DAPP developers as well as all types or real world use cases for industries and businesses. I am extremely excited to see just how people take advantage of this feature mix when Raptoreum mainnet goes live!

Join Us!

Discord: https://discord.gg/2T8xG7e

Telegram: https://twitter.com/raptoreumm


Solving real world issues through Blockchain technology and innovation is what Raptoreum is all about