Raptoreum Testnet Mining Information And Resources

2 min readApr 30, 2019


We welcome everybody to help us in testing Raptoreum and our new algorithm GhostRider. The more people who actively test the wallet and mining the stronger Raptoreum becomes. Helping with testing is very easy and much appreciated! At this time only CPU mining is available, but a GPU miner is in the works and I will update this once it is available.

Earning Real RTM

Actively mining gives you a chance to win real RTM to be paid out shortly after mainnet launch, an excellent way to earn yourself an early bag of RTM! (more coming on this shortly)


Latest Binaries: https://github.com/Raptor3um/Raptoreum/releases

Testnet Explorer: http://exp.raptoreum.com/

CPU hash rate results (ongoing): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e71ZgRaSAOPfe49TIT2GvdgFgcaeyUdDsUbUe0JlTNQ/edit?usp=sharing

GPU hash rate results (soonTM):


Source code on the public Github repository does not match the releases. This is because we are keeping everything from the point of GhostRider being added up until mainnet in a private repository. Source will be publicly available after mainnet. Trying to build from source will give you an old x16r only build.

Mining Testnet Raptoreum

Download and unpack the binary navigate to the “bin” directory and open a terminal, type “./raptoreum-qt” and the wallet should open and start syncing. If you prefer CLI only then do “./raptoreumd -daemon”. You can check progress of sync with ./raptoreum-cli getmininginfo”. Wait until block height matches block height on the testnet explorer to start mining. To start mining with qt go to help > debug window > console and type “setgenerate true 2”, the #2 signifies how many cores you want to use.

CLI do “./raptoreum-cli setgenerate true 2”

Not Connecting To Peers

If you are having trouble connecting to peers here are some node IPs that you can add that should solve this:

To add these issue.

QT: help > debug > console and type “addnode IPhere add”

CLI: ./raptoreum-cli addnode IPhere add

A good add will return “null”.

Ports: 9878, 8766 (default rpc port)

Getting CPU and RAM Information In Linux

CPU: lscpu

RAM: sudo dmidecode — type 17

Your current hashrate: Help > Debug > Console type “getmininginfo” and for CLI “./raptoreum-cli getmininginfo”.

Submit Results Help Us Help You

We are compiling a list of hardware and the hashrate it gets. Please use this template:

Mining Cores#:

We much appreciate all of you who take the time to submit results as does I am sure the rest of the Raptoreum community!

Join Us!

Discord: https://discord.gg/2T8xG7e

Telegram: https://t.me/raptoreumm

Twitter: https://twitter.com/raptoreum




Solving real world issues through Blockchain technology and innovation is what Raptoreum is all about