Knowing With a Capital “K”

Kay Lathrop
7 min readNov 2, 2021


Lately, I’ve been thinking more about my personal experiences of Knowing and not Knowing the way forward. I’m pondering how they’ve been woven through the course of my (nearly) sixty years of life. And I’m not surprised by what I’m discovering and understanding. After all, deciding to say YES to Spirit, to Soul Self, and to publicly write about my experiences heeding the still small voice has stirred things up and brought focus to my life again. I feel like any thoughts about that “sixty” number are flying away, as I’m feeling like I’m in my forties!

It almost goes without saying that we all come to those times when we feel uncertain, perhaps even disoriented by life, adrift and wondering what’s next. Maybe we’re feeling like we’re supposed to do something, but we’re not sure if it’s ours to do or, if it is, which way to go. Churn and turmoil are the words and states-of-being that come to my mind.

Certainly, I have had those times — — as recently as 2019 and 2020! Can you relate? Does your mind go right to specific times when you were churning and in turmoil, even before the stresses of the recent pandemic?

I remembered the way of trusting I had as a child, even before I first “woke up” as an adult to realizing who I really was.

Trusting came back to me with Knowing. Knowing was (and is) unmistakable. Knowing has never let me down — — so it seems funny to realize that I’ve gone through periods of overlooking it. Then, I remember again how wicked-smart the ego is and how ego has hijacked me before.

Fortunately, Soul Self and Knowing patiently wait, even when we choose to go the egoic way for a time.

How has our recent state of affairs left you? Were you prepared? Are you more hopeful now than you were a couple of years ago? Or… are you afraid, buffeted by the troubles of the times and the megaphone that shouts the bad news from the corners, from the media, through our phones, on our computer screens, in our conversations?

There’s a social media shorthand called FOMO. You’ve likely heard of it. It is the Fear of Missing Out. Fear. Missing. Out. Lonely. Scared. Wavering. Taking the wrong path. Feeling forced into decisions. Missing it.

Our culture wants us to pay attention to the noise and chaos of the world.

Our egoic self wants us to pay attention to the culture.

We cycle in fear and turmoil. But there is another way….

Knowing. With a capital K!

Instead of looking out into the world we’ve created around us, for direction and answers — — go within.

Going Within

We all have what I call an “inner wisdom channel.” Knowing starts with tuning into that channel, connecting with the divine in you. The truth of who you are. Creating a bit of space, some stillness and silence in your day-to-day busyness, to ask and to listen.

I ask about big things, like purpose and business ideas and relationships. And, I ask about what we think of as small things like, Am I to go to Jessica’s wedding in Texas? (I’ll share that wedding decision story in a minute.)

Here’s what I ask Spirit/Soul Self, from the big picture perspective:

· What is mine to do?

· What is the highest use of my gifts here?

· How can I best serve the collective?

· What is aligned with Our Will?

· What’s next?

There’s more, but you get the idea.

Here’s what I’ve asked Spirit/Soul Self on a more day-to-day level:

· Where am I to go and who am I to connect with? What am I to do?

· What am I to say?

· What do you want me to see, to hear, to be aware of that’s new to me?

Then, I listen. I stay tuned in. I wait with willingness. Answers come.

Knowing. Yes, it has arrived.

Knowing Declarations vs Egoic Decisions

The process of Knowing is deceptively simple. For me, it’s a connection to Spirit and Soul Self. It starts with a commitment to “heed the still small voice” — — always. It is a focus on “Our Will be done.” The ALWAYS acronym below came to me recently during a long car trip. It’s the process made simple:

A — Ask

L — Listen

W — Wait with Willingness

A — Answer (Received and Declared)

Y — Yes

S — Spirit

The ego is based on options, choices, decisions, willfulness, feelings, emotions, uncertainty, doubt, second-guessing, and confusion. The ego hijacks our connection to our Soul Self and confuses the communication link. We question ourselves. We endlessly ruminate on what to do. We are filled by distractions, hunting for satisfaction through the illusions of immediate gratification, swayed by the thoughts of others.

When we ask in order to Know, we sideline the egoic interference. We disempower it. We set it aside. We are listening for another voice. It is the voice that, as Rumi said, doesn’t use words. And Knowing isn’t always quick. That’s kind of the point. It is ready, but only when we are too.

Recognizing Soul Knowing

Fortunately, it’s not hard to be aware of the differences between the egoic and Soul Knowing, once we decide we are going to heed the still, small voice. The difference becomes self-evident, but I’ll give you some of my hints here, so you can have a head start in the journey. My good friend, Tammy, and I recently had a wonderful video call on this topic, and I made some notes for you, too:

When I Know, I’m filled with a clear, strong sense of certainty. Often, I also feel what I have called “bubbliness,” an effervescence that comes with divine inspiration. A path opens up and the certainty of the way is so clear, it is a feeling of joy. I’m in the Soul Knowing zone. I’m in the flow.

Let Me Make it Personal

I have a dear, delightfully creative niece in Texas. Her name is Jessica. Jessica and her friend, Stephanie, came to San Diego a couple of years ago and stayed with me. These lovely young women spent considerable time visiting with me, as well as exploring the sights on their own. It was a special connection experience for me — — to begin to know my niece as an adult woman. I treasure the memories we created.

This year, Jessica and her boyfriend, Mark, decided to get married. The wedding date was set for October 16th and the festivities were planned for Mark’s family land in Central Texas. A beautiful invitation arrived in the mail.

Of course, getting married mid-pandemic, with variants, vaccines, masks and all still in the news isn’t a simple thing to pull off! The invitation explained that the wedding was going to be held outdoors in the open air, with social distancing plans, so everyone would be comfortable and safe. Endearingly, it said they were “looking forward to celebrating with you” and described how Mark’s family land would be available to anyone wanting to “camp under the stars!” Isn’t that beautiful? The most romantic, thoughtful and sensitive way to go, mid-pandemic!

Of course, it was highly likely not everyone at the wedding would be vaccinated. And the virus is still so active. A wedding means a larger-than-normal crowd of people. And, attending from California means travel and overnight lodging.

I’m vaccinated and living in San Diego. I’m social distancing, masking and wisely choosing who I spend time with and where. I really didn’t know what to do when I thought about Jessica and Mark’s lovely invitation.

COVID was prompting me to ask, am I to go?

And, my commitment to heeding the still small voice always guides me to ask, am I to go?

So, I asked my Soul Self. And I waited. I was listening.

The RSVP date passed by. I still didn’t Know. So, I messaged Jessica.

Shortly after, one morning, I Knew. I Knew…I was to go. I was in the bathroom getting ready for my day, standing in front of the mirror and a wave of Knowing moved into my energy field. I felt it. I wasn’t even thinking about the wedding. Knowing just moved in at that moment. I walked out of the bathroom and Knew I was to be at Jessica’s wedding.

Such certainty. And that effervescence!

I immediately called Jessica and got her voicemail. Several hours later I couldn’t wait. I texted her a rather cheeky message, Can I still come even though I missed the RSVP deadline? Jessica texted back, “You sure can. I love you and am elated and filled with JOY that you will be there…”

Elated and filled with JOY. My heart filled and my eyes leaked. I told her so.

I’m on Soul Self’s path, heeding, and it was the peaceful joy and that recognizable, happy flow.

Big things and small things…everything can be Known in this way as you heed the still, small voice using my acronym ALWAYS as your guide.

I’d love to hear how you are finding joy in Knowing, as you journey along the path of your Soul purpose. Send me a message, so we can encourage each other.

PS: The experience of being present with Jessica and Mark, with my dear family and friends, old and new, is one I will treasure always! There were many deep, heartfelt moments…and lots of JOY!



Kay Lathrop

Doing my best to remember who we really are, heed the still small voice and contribute to our collective wellbeing.