
1 min readMay 12, 2020


Don’t kill them with kindness, they’re not worth it. Negligence is bliss; in this case it’s true. You ignore and you move on. You kill them with success and thriving. Actually, you don’t even have to kill them. Because envy and bitterness will eat away at their hearts. Inferiority will ruin them and their small self-sense will tear apart every piece of their monstrous soul. They can’t bring you down anymore or make you feel small. They lost that power over you. Because you learned. You learned that you don’t need anybody’s approval or praise to feel good about yourself. You don’t need to impress anybody because you know your worth and what they think can’t affect you anymore. Their words don’t matter, they don’t stick the way they used to. Their words fall to the ground like the leaves of Autumn before they could get to you. And you prosper. You grow and bloom into the real you. The person you were all along; deep inside. The one you’ve been hiding in the shadows of your little room. The one who listened, the one who never judged. Stay true to that person. Because everyone else leaves at one point, and you only got “you”.

