Esse quam videri

To Be Rather Than to Seem

K.C. Brown
2 min readMay 13, 2017

I just moved to South Carolina. To many people, that’s fairly indiscernible from North Carolina. As a native Tar Heel, though, this is a bit of an identity struggle.

When I hear the word “Carolina” I fully anticipate the next word to be “blue.” That isn’t just a reaction to my years at school in Chapel Hill; that was well engrained by kindergarten.

After two months going coast to coast in a Winnebago Chief in the Summer of 1978, my dad and two of my sisters hopped out with me to celebrate arriving in our home state.

Of all the things I love about my home state — brick sidewalks with moss, red dirt, Cheerwine, Texas Pete and two distinct styles of barbecue — one of my favorites is our motto:

Esse quam videri. To be rather than to seem.

Don’t get me wrong. South Carolina has a noble, forward-looking motto that I also like and won’t mind my children learning:

Dum spiro spero. While I breathe, I hope

That’s aspirational. It also seems to fit well the attitude of most brand managers, and especially product managers, I’ve known.

But I’m born and raised in North Carolina. I’d rather be — be me. In business, I’d rather we be — be us — rather than sell who we hope to be.

Anyone deliberately defining, shaping and communicating a brand would do well to have a pair of Carolina blue spectacles handy. Esse quam videri is a good lens to view your decisions through.

