symphyotrichum lateriflorum.

1 min readJan 2, 2022


panting by H. Oriaut

The meaning behind this is incredibly niche so in the interest of being understood.

It’s called Calico Aster. The “symphyo” part of the genus name comes from the Greek prefix which means “together” and ancient “phyo” means to grow.

We grow together.

There is no special reason I chose calico aster, it just recently began blooming in my area and I love it a lot, it blooms from late summer to autumn and every year I look forward to it. It feels transgressive to separate calico aster a and this flower called goldenrods, but… Calico aster favors the shade and goldenrod favors the sun, so maybe it would be better this way.

I’m pretty sure the common name “calico aster” is from the fact that the centers of the flowers range from yellow to pink to purple. Among the white petals, the different-colored “spots” make the inflorescences look similar to a calico cat.

As for the painting, I don’t know, maybe I think it was going to be about carrying the memory of your kin. But then it morphed into what I simply felt like painting so I suppose all this was irrelevant but Oriaut got my mind ful with botanical etymology, so that’s a win.




i am here once more to share my silly little thoughts and my dumb little takes. read it or else