Decision on Junk Food

3 min readNov 12, 2023


Junk food is unhealthy for your body

When we were children in the early 2000s and the 20th century, we would ask our family for money because we did not have a job yet to get our own food. Our family would say yes to you and give you $5 to go to the corner store and you would come back with the entire store because everything was so cheap. When we would eat the junk food, we did not know anything that was bad in the ingredients because we would ignore the ingredients on the back of the packpage. Junk food is unhealthy for your body because of the chemicals in it, and the junk food makes you feel worse.

Reading about junk food on your own or from this paper gives me and you dopamine about not wanting to eat junk food and only wanting healthy foods. As I got older I can definitely taste the ingredients, the foods I have taste in the past do not taste good now that I am an adult. In the article “Health Direct” titled “Junk food and your health” stated “Short-term effects of junk food: increased stress levels, feeling down, concentration difficulties”. To me, I have had those issues with junk food when I was younger. I just regret not telling my mother to buy more healthy foods to help my mind when I am in school. Me now as an Adult, I blame me not doing good in school on the junk food that I have put in my body.

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In Oreos, the ingredients on the back state high fructose corn syrup. In the article CNBC titled “A harvard nutritionist and brain expert: Avoid these 5 foods that make you tired and stressed” states “Processed foods, consuming unhealthy processed foods like baked good or soda, which are loaded with refined and added sugars, often in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, which can lead to in depression and fatigue. When it comes time to do my work when I would come home from school when I was young, I would not be happy at all and stressed. Even foods that claim that they are healthy are not healthy foods, which result in junk food. On fiber one boxes they claim to be healthy but it comes in a box. When you go the bakery section in the grocery store anything that you get comes in a bag until you are getting dozen of something but something small like brownies. On the box of fiber one brownies the ingredients are unnecessary, and smelling the brownies, it smells like fake chocolate and tasting the brownie, I taste nothing at all. Finding out the bad things in junk food is a dopamine to heat healthy foods as an adult. But as a kid reading the ingredients, we are not worried about what problems it cause to our body, which means the dopamine decreases. Dopamine provides incentive salience, that is how junk food is related to economics.


