Oh just FYI, space is gay

Kayla Mulliniks
9 min readJul 7, 2023


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Happy Pride Month mystical angels!!! I love being Queer and I love my Queer community! And if you’re a straight here, my Venmo is Kayla0305. Haha jk (no for real Venmo me)!

This month’s energy is giving, but does it give you joy? And who knows joy more than a child. I’m wondering if we can time travel back to a happy and carefree time, feel what that felt like and bring it back to our present. You’re inner child isn’t just meant for healing, its meant to remind you of who you are without all of *gestures widely* this. When we embrace the childlike wonder that lives inside, it becomes clear what we’ve wanted all along.

In case you’ve been living under a rock, the LGBTQIA+ community is quite literally under attack across America, including my home state of Texas. It’s terrible, wrong, disgusting and most of all really fucking sad. I especially send my love to my trans family, who is currently facing the worst of it.

I say this because I don’t typically talk publicly about the terrible things happening. I don’t openly share the acts of hate inflicted upon my partner and I. I don’t openly talk about how scary it is to visit home. I don’t openly talk about the mental gymnastics it takes to feel safe just being who I am. Every Queer person you know is having these conversations with their inner circle. About how we are experiencing hate or warning our chosen family where to go in order to avoid verbal or physical violence. It’s not fair that our precious time is spent like this; hypervigilant. Sometimes it feels too sad or disappointing or infuriating to talk about at large. And honestly, I don’t owe you my sadness.

I say this to you, dear reader, so you can understand why I think talking about and showing Queer joy is so important. I want you to see me and my partner having adventures, being happy and living life in love. Because this too, is my reality.

I want you to see how my Queer friends love me so much more wholey than many of my straight friends. How I feel understood and like I make sense. How they create with me a world of our dreams. How we show up for people without even knowing them. How we talk about feelings that language can’t even describe yet. How we see the vastness of the universe as something so similar to us.

How we value a life well lived.

This community I am so proudly apart of are the true innovators, healers and creators this world is meant to have.

It is a beautiful thing to witness. It’s an even more important thing to protect.

I hope this month, in honor of the many queer people who came and fought before me, you get to witness and stand up for the magic of the queer community. And empty your pockets to us. Because until all of us are free and safe, no one is.

Hello darkness my old friend, meet my other friend the light, we should all hang out sometime. Hope you read that in the sing songy voice I wrote it in. The cards this month are giving me Donny Darko vibes, but like, the summer, more upbeat version. (Wait we’re all in agreeance in what that movie was about, right??)

Advice: VI of Cups

Ahhh, isn’t it nice to look back on all you’ve accomplished? How easy it was to succeed and feel good when life was more simple. Being a kid, although traumatizing, is a time we had the least responsibilities. But in reality, as a kid, we just didn’t understand taxes or the systemic oppression that our parents tried shielding us from. Sometimes, it feels easy to long for a past that was more simple, whether that simplicity is perceived or actual reality. This card is an invitation to bring the joy you’ve felt in your fondest memories from the past, into your present. The feeling is yours to have, even if the situation is not. When playing around and enjoying life, we might surprise ourselves with what seeds of harmony and cooperation we’ve inadvertently planted. Chase after what has always made you feel like you and just make it the adult version.

Don’t Forget: The Magician

You have the power to create the life you want. (Well, as much as we can under capitalism. You know how it is, we’re doing our best.) The Magician is a major arcana card, so it’s telling us that this childlike joy is going to be key in how we are able create the life we want. The lesson of The Magician is that we already have everything we need. It’s just about learning how to use the tools and then consistently working with them.

TLDR; You’re allowed to pick and choose what comes with you on the journey. Take the best parts from the past to add to your arsenal, leave the rest. Acknowledge you have wised up from your journey, now it’s time to create with all the fragments that are you.

Hellooo Gemini season! Feeling fast, fiery, flirty and frustrated? Good. We got a lot going on this month (if you choose) so let’s get into it.

Even though Gemini season is in full swing, we got some serious Taurus energy coming our way the first week of June. We have lucky Jupiter conjunct the North Node, reconnecting us with our passions and life purpose. Then a few days later, we have Mercury aligning with Uranus in Taurus, reminding us that we are true co creators with the universe. So if life hands you a surprise lemon, make surprise limoncello! When you are clear and steady in what you want, surprises can make life a little sweeter if you let ‘em.

Next up, we have a Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3rd. Also known as the Strawberry Moon, this full moon is connected to spirituality, education, forward movement and, historically speaking, harvesting all the strawberries you can. Although we traditionally think of full moons being a time of rest, I encourage you to think of this one as a turning point in your main character plot. What long-term choices can you make that accelerate and excite you? Sagittarius, the archer, gives us the courage we need to keep our eye on the prize (life) and pull back the bow that moves us forward. As we move forward we might notice our baggage is a little heavy, feel free to swap it out at this turning point.

June 5th we have Venus move into Leo, which to me is helloooo pride month! Not to be so annoying, but if you look for it, love really is all around. And when you look around, you’ll see that love is vast and inclusive and ready for you. Let yourself be open to love and all the ways it lives around us. And, maybe, take note of where love is lacking. When we allow love into our life, we have a special opportunity to know ourselves deeper. What does love actually look like to you, specifically? To find out; enjoy a summer romance, fall more in love with your partner, love yourself until it’s sickening to the people around you, love the life you’ve carved out for yourself, even if it isn’t perfect yet!! You’re allowed, you’re allowed, you’re allowed. And you might as well do it now, because Venus goes retrograde next month.

June 21st we welcome Cancer Szn with The Summer Solstice!!! This event marks the longest day of the year and also my mom’s birthday. Happy birthday, mom! During this time the day is literally just as long as the night. A nice reminder that we’re meant to be balanced in the dark and light, a movement from action to nourishment. This happens as we move into watery Cancer Szn. Have y’all ever eaten crab? It takes some work to get to the soft, yummy and delicious parts of them, but that’s kinda the point right? Cancer believes in the importance of boundaries and how they allow us to be the soft, delectable little crab we each have inside each of us. Be free! Be soft and protective, let the final snow of the winter learning melt off as we step into the lessons of the Sun. Like the crab, we appreciate how the cycles of nature are reflected inside of us.

Here are some other special dates that can help plan out your month:

June 18th New Moon in Gemini- Gemini craves communication, adventure and stimulation. Look for people you want to connect with and just do it. If you don’t have a space you feel comfortable in, now is the time to create it yourself! Community is there for us when we are ready to reach for it. But it does take work and intentional action.

June 19th Jupiter sextile Saturn- Jupiter the planet of luck sextiling Saturn the planet of accountability and responsibilities. Use the energy around this date to plant some final long-term seeds and let them grow. Future you says thank youuuu.

Mercury in Cancer June 26th- Allow your conversations to come from the heart. When Mercury, the planet of communications, meets up with Cancer, logic is not going to get you the understanding you want. Be thoughtful and honest, vulnerability is the power move here.

  • cute little reminder that this energy is meant to help, not overwhelm. If you feel like the energy of that day isn’t vibing with you, that ok! Try again tomorrow or the next day- no one will care.

This month’s vibe check is brought to you by being gay. Or whatever that means to me.

I think being gay comes with an extra need for luxury and relaxation. That being said, I highly recommend this morning routine:

  • 1 joint of Hermosa Weed Strain (to meet the day in an upbeat and euphoric way)
  • A ristretto double blonde shot of expresso with a pump of vanilla and splash of almond milk over ice (what is gay pride if not over caffeinated)

This combo will get those creative juices flowing and charge up your social battery for all the gay pride activities I’m sure you have planned for this month.

The mocktail of the month is: Historically, They Were Just Roommates

And I would normally include this in my subscriber portion of the newsletter, but since it’s Pride, I’ll give you a freebe. Here are some of my favorite GAY movies and TV shows.

  • Yellowjackets (Showtime)
  • Betty (HBO)
  • Other People (Netflix)
  • The Ultimatum: Queer Love (Netflix)
  • But I’m a Cheerleader (Amazon)
  • Work in Progress (Showtime, if you can find it ;/)
  • The Other Two (HBO)
  • Fire Island (Hulu)
  • Booksmart (Hulu)
  • Crush (Netflix)
  • Carmilla (Youtube and part of Vivian and I’s love story)
  • Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Amazon)
  • KABOOM (Amazon)
  • Kajillionaire (Amazon)
  • Tangerine (Amazon)

Let me know which ones you watch! I’m always down to talk about tv and movies, so hit me up!

If you aren’t a paid subscriber, that’s it for this month! If you’re sad about missing out on a curated playlist, some comfort media recommendations and a personal piece from me, think about subscribing. (Come onnn its only $5!!! )

Hope this month leads to a deeper understanding of yourself and lots of ass shaking!!! Thanks for coming to my haus! HAPPY PRIDE!!!!!!!!!!

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Kayla Mulliniks

Comedy, Astrology & Tarot! Check out my monthly mystical newsletter & follow me on insta @ohhhkayla for little extras!