How to work with the goddess Freya?

Leah Lansdown
3 min readJul 6, 2022



Freya is a goddess in the Norse mythology. A very powerful goddess she is associating herself as the goddess of sex, lust, beauty, sorcery, gold, war, and death. Most know this goddess for her love and fertility. Her name meaning lady. Like all goddess to love them, and respect them you need to know their mythology also their history. She’s a member of the Vanir tribe of deities, but became an honorary member of the Aesir gods after the Aesir-Vanir War. She is the daughter of Njord, and a god of Vanir he was associated with the sea, fishing, sailing, wealth, and prosperity of crops. Freya's mother was never known, but some say that Nerthus, an old Germanic deity known as a goddess of “peace and plenty.” Her brother was said to be her twin was known for his wealth, virality, prosperity, health, and he was often depicted with the phallus that was typical of fertility gods. Freya had two children, and known for their treasure in life to her. This goddess herself is very powerful, and her is some ways people worship her.

Know the signs this goddess gives you when she's calling to you.

If you are reading this it maybe your already being called by her, or that your just interested about her. whatever it maybe If this beautiful goddess is calling to you here is how you’d know.

  1. She calls you in your dreams or in visions. Dreaming of cats, dreaming of her, dream of intense passion in which she calls to you, and maybe dreaming of chariots, or battle. This is only a few ways she may come to you in a dream its not all though. If your having dreams of a certain goddess than you need to do research about your dreams to determine what goddess or god it maybe.
  2. When you see a ladybugs, cats, boars, and horses. If any of these animals are drawn to you, and you feel a connection with them it may mean she is calling to you.
  3. Hearing her name, or seeing it in random parts of the day. Opening a book, and her name just pops up, and even just her popping up in you thoughts randomly.
  4. You keep pulling 3 runes repetitively: Fehu, Berkano, and Sowilo


Dedicate a personal place where you can worship Freya. Using symbols of cats, picture of Freya herself, number 13, full moon drawings/moon water, five pointed stars. Using color magic to get her attention red, black, silver, gold, and green. Put runes symbols that represent her on you altar. Using plants, and or stones can get her attention. Don’t forget to use candles incense, and flowers.

prayer to Freya and an offering

Give Freya the time of day to just tell her what you think of her. Just like all gods and goddess she likes to be acknowledge in her own way. Give her an appropriate offering just to say thank you, and ask for her to be your goddess. welcoming her into your life. The most well excepted offerings are flowers, honey, jewelry, apples, and I read that if you have a cat who sheds hair give it to her as an offering. Any and all love is an offering to her.

Use runes

Learning runes is important to Freya, and learning the Viking runes as well.

Moon magic

Learn how to add moon magic into you spells. Making moon water, or learning your inner femininity can be very help when working with the goddess Freya.

Rituals and spells

When doing spells it maybe a great idea to do love spells, fertility spells, inner beauty and passion spells, and I could go on. When doing any spells, or rituals ask her for her guidance, knowledge, and protection. When doing rituals try to do something with self love, and moon magic.

Learn more about her

I don’t know as much as I should about this wonderful goddess, but doing your research about her may lead to you having a better relationship with her. Knowing about her will help you to do better spells, and to improve your worship to her.



Leah Lansdown

Im very creative, and a mommy of one. With a very active mind. I steadily love to write my thoughts down.