Web3 Startups Need Copywriters

Kayla Cole
4 min readAug 21, 2023


& here’s why….

Brand Messaging for a Web3 company can be the make or break it point of the business.

You keep hearing the term “Web3.” The word is everywhere these days. You hear the terms used alongside it like “Crypto”, “Blockchain”, and the even more alluring “Decentralization.”

If you don’t understand what any of these words mean, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

79% of American adults do not know what “Web3” means, and 54% of American adults have never heard of “Web3.” (soocial) To put that to scale, that’s roughly 200 million people that aren’t aware of Web3. In the coming years, they will be.

The Backstory

To give a super brief overview of Web3, it’s helpful to understand what Web1 and Web2 are. Yes, it’s in chronological order.

Think of Web1 as the internet of the late 90s and early 2,000’s. You remember: chat portals, online message boards, and AOL instant messaging. The internet was booming because never before could you chat with a friend or family member online without using email, and this all happened on your desktop computer, at home. There was no way, at the time, to use these things Web1 offered, on the go.

Enter, Web2. Web2 brought on the social media giants we know today — Myspace (RIP), Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, and now TikTok. Instead of just allowing people to interact with each other through messaging online, Web2 made space for creativity. Building on Web1, there were now videos, photos, etc. for people to engage with on the internet. There’s positives and negatives to Web2, and a huge negative is that these apps and websites, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc., are all large corporations. These multi-billion dollar corporations are monetizing content created on these platforms, so a lot of creators don’t have complete control over what they do. As of 2022, we’re still using Web2, but Web3 is slowly, but surely, starting to emerge.

So, Web3. Some say that Web3 is the answer to the issues happening with Web2 — huge corporations owning most of the intellectual property on the internet. The term tossed around with Web3 companies is “Decentralized.” In the context of Web3, that means taking the power out of one large corporation’s hands, and putting it into several smaller hands, or a community’s hands. With Web3, you can expect the open platforms of Web1, with the creativity of Web2.

What is Web3

We’ve got the background, now let’s get into it.

Web3 is built and will continue to be built by using a decentralized blockchain.

Blockchain is a distributed database that shares and stores information digitally.

Cryptocurrencies run on blockchain technology, (hopefully) guaranteeing secure and reliable transactions.

Web2 uses a lot of third party technologies to be sure their transactions and information stay secure, and blockchain can do that all on its own — decentralizing the internet more. The idea is that getting rid of these third parties creates a more secure and free internet space.

So now that we know what Web3 runs on (Blockchain), let’s understand what it really means.

Web3 is a new type of internet, all built on Blockchain (which you learned about above). Web3 has a lot of different facets, and a lot of them are currently theoretical. There are NFTs, the Metaverse, and games that will take place entirely on Web3.

The most common thing we know about right now is Bitcoin, a form of cryptocurrency, which will be the key form of payment and currency in Web3.

A lot of companies are popping up right now, and they’re based entirely in Web3.

Companies like:

Blockchain Developers

NFT Companies

Crypto Companies

Metaverse Companies

Right now, the revenue projection for Web3 projects is $800 billion by 2024. It’s astronomical.

Copywriting for Web3

Think of Web3 as a wild west of sorts. There’s a ton of excitement, a ton of push, and a TON of money. There are also a TON of unknowns. That’s what makes it all pretty exciting.

There are hundreds if not thousands of companies that are starting rapidly, all trying to get their head start on Web3.

With the unknowns around the very idea of Web3, how does a company stand out, when the majority of consumers, don’t even understand the very foundation of the company.

That’s where a Copywriter comes in.

Web3 companies need to know that their business model cannot be solely based on tech.

Brand messaging for a Web3 company is arguably just as important as the actual product.

Sticking with the wild west metaphor, there is a boom in Web3 companies, all trying to get their piece of the gold. (I guess it’s turning into a gold rush metaphor?)

How does a Web3 company differentiate themselves from the others, and at the same time, provide quality information that educates consumers?

Through quality, information, SEO optimized Web3 Copywriting!

Web3 is a new era for the internet, Web3 companies cannot allow their first impression to be made on a whim.

These startups must invest in Copywriters that understand Web3 and understand brand messaging.

If you’re reading this and thinking “I need a Copywriter for my Web3 project”, email me at kayla@kaylacolecopy.com, and let’s get connected!

