Authors Must Work at Their Own Pace to Achieve Their Goals

No writer is in the same place, career-wise, as another writer

Kayla Hicks
2 min readAug 3, 2022


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At every stage of a writer's career, we all look to other authors, silently comparing ourselves.

However, doing so is detrimental to our own definition of achievement.

Why? Because every other writer has been where you are at some point in their own career. Whether this is a planning stage, a learning publishing stage, a receiving rejection to query stage, and so many more.

When we compare ourselves to other writers' success, we are more susceptible to falling into the self-doubt trap.

Will I ever write that many books? What if I never score a publishing deal? Does this mean I’m not a good writer?

Allowing these thoughts to enter your mind when you see the success of other writers can bog you down.

What is important to remember is that every writer finds their own success.

Pushing away thoughts that compare you to others is imperative because two writers shouldn’t be comparing their successes.

Here are some important things to remember about success:

  • Your day one is someone else’s day 100



Kayla Hicks

A published author on Amazon| Multi-Genre Author| Teaching about writing and publishing|