Not okay.

Kayla Roark
3 min readFeb 18, 2020


This Valentine’s Day, I received the following text from a client of mine.

He happens to be the CEO of a multinational corporation.

We had lunch together 5 days earlier to discuss future work contracts.

I should mention that we are both married with kids (his are 20 yrs older than mine) — and this is well known because we talk about it during lunch.

whoa, it’s 8am and you’re already getting your creep on?

Cue inner panic :

Wtf does he mean by delicious moment ?! Is that even a thing people say?

Lunch wasn’t particularly delicious…

Am I overreacting or is this totally inappropriate?

*Polls 5 people*

Okay, 100% consensus…inappropriate

Ignore it. Don’t lose the client…

Ugh, so I trade my self-respect for money?

It’s not *that* bad. I’ve received worse.

But what if it gets worse? Maybe it’s a test to see if I’m open to this.

If I do nothing, what example am I setting for my daughters?

What work climate are they going to inherit?

Ok chiche…I can’t ignore this.

Drafting a response…inner debate continues :

Is it too nice?

Is it too mean?

I don’t want to make him feel bad.

What are the chances we can keep working together after this?

Get 5 previously mentioned people to sign off on the following response….

Take a deep breath. Push send.

Hours passed before I got up the guts to write back.

Feeling brave. Report back to my 5-person support team, “I sent it!!”

Just when my feminist karma was soaring….it got worse…

Can we all agree that this response is completely infuriating?



You’re not even going to fake an apology?

*I’m* the delusional one for not understanding your awkward af text???

Let’s all play dumb for a minute and pretend that is the case…you would *still* apologize, try to explain the misunderstanding…profusely.

If I had any doubt before, now I’m sure.

It’s never someone hierarchically junior to you.

Why am I sharing this? It’s not the scandal of the century. But unfortunately, it is super common.

Too often we silence our discomfort, our outrage, our protests.

For the first time, I spoke up.

If my story resonates with you, maybe next time you can too.

It’s easier to be a feminist in theory, but that’s not going to get us anywhere.

