Safe: A Feeling I Didn’t Know Before Taiwan

In The U.S. you assume life is dangerous.

Kayla Marie
5 min readJan 13, 2020
Guns: Here to help you win cute s***

I’ve traveled to over 10 countries including France, Costa Rica, Panamá, and Iceland only to discover they all feel safer than the U.S.

Nonetheless, in all the countries above, save for Iceland, it was necessary to take precautions to protect myself from assault, theft, and harassment.

I’ve been in Taiwan a month now and I’ve let my guard down in ways that were once unfathomable. Hell, I even carry my phone or wallet in my back pocket for funsies.

Okay, maybe not my wallet, but you get the gist.

I came to Taiwan to seek a better way of life concerning finances and healthcare — I got so much more.

Below I list some major issues in the U.S. I don’t think twice about anymore. I didn’t plan for these changes, but they’re a big deal.

Random Violence/Theft/Gun Violence

I lump all these into one category because they can overlap.

Sometimes one happens along with another, such as robbery at gun-point, or they occur on an individual basis.

People enact violence for fun, rob, or dominate.



Kayla Marie

I was the kid reading NatGeo in the waiting room • I write about content creation and expat life • Based in Taiwan • Find me on YouTube: