Hiding Within A Mask

Kayla Romero
3 min readOct 23, 2017


In the story American Son by Brian Roley two Filipino-American teenagers are moved to Los Angeles,California in a life for the better.In the story,their uncle Betino talks about how he is disappointed with how his sister is raising her sons and if that they came back to the Philippines they would be good and obedient.One brother Tomas is a misfit and everybody perceive him to be a cold stone monster.”He is the son who causes her embarrassment by showing up at family parties with his muscles covered in gangster tattoos…”(Roley 15).The narrator of the story is Gabe which is know to be good and obedient.”I am the son who is quiet and no trouble,and I help our mother with chores around the house”(Roley 15).In the Novel we learn that Tomas himself perceives to be something hes not.He was Filipino-white but dressing as if he was mexican gangster with muscles covered in tattoos and a shaved head.Even his mother did not understand why the way he was.

In my opinion I think Tomas was a certain way because he wanted to hide underneath all his feelings and use a self mechanism to show that he was tough and strong but he was really sensitive and soft.Thomas also help his mom with mortgages by selling attack dogs to rich people and celebrities.He he would train them to be obedient and listen to his commands in German words.He really connected with these animals and every time he would have to sell them something in his heart became delicate.”Each time he sells a puppy he falls quiet and pretends he does not care about it leaving,that he will never see it again”(Roley 21).Another example, was at the very end of the chapter where he showed his true colors .We see this when the the rich man offers to buy both the dogs which one of the dogs, Buster was Tomas favorite.He raised Buster since she was a puppy he build a relationship with her and she would was a obedient dog and viscous when she had to be.Buster would sit on the edge of the mom’s bed and be her company.Soon, in the story you see Tomas wants to break out of his tough inferior and hes’s wants to shield his feeling but cannot because he has a wall up. You even see him begging and showing a softer side when the rich man even offer's more money,”Please,mister.She’s a pet…”(Roley 52).You can see Tomas is very vulnerable here and there is hurt in his voice hiding in silence but,wanting to break free and yell. Underneath it all, of trying to understand Tomas tough and bold persona. Gabe finds him crying and soon the outside persona that is shown on the outside pops out by beating up his brother,”Don’t you fucking talk disrespect to me “(Roley 53).On the outside mask he was macho and rigorous but,on the inside mask he was caring and thoughtful.I think as humans we all wear mask .We want people to perceive as a certain way so we are not judged for truly who we are.We put up a wall or a persona to show our outside masks but those that are close to us know our inside mask within our feelings and our heart.

My question to you guys is Have you ever had an experience where you had to use a self mechanism tool beneath your identity mask?

