Pulchritudinous Innovation

Kayla Stansbury
6 min readNov 12, 2018


Analyzing the effects of neighborhood revitalization on the Beltline’s residents and its activity and how we can implement it.

Memphis Slim house, located directly across the street from STAX museum & Soulsville (my high school)

For a while, many communities throughout the country have struggled to combat several different urban threats including waste-disposal problems, insufficient water availability, and crime. These threats have had an extreme negative influence on the development of neighborhoods as well as its residents. To solve these issues, neighborhood revitalization has become a key solution. While some individuals would argue that neighborhood revitalization furthers an area’s broken sociological state, it actually improve’s a neighborhood’s functioning of human society. Neighborhood revitalization beautifies and amplifies the neighborhood itself thus having a positive impact on the residents’ holistic health.

Holistic health refers to the physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects of an individual’s health, so instead of “focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, this ancient approach to health considers the whole person and how he or she interacts with his or her environment. It emphasizes the connection of the mind, body and spirit.” (“What is Holistic Health”). Without a strong holistic health, individuals can suffer from a variety of chronic illnesses and disorders affecting those four particular aspects. To keep these issues from occurring or resurfacing, neighborhood revitalization is put into place. With neighborhood revitalization, the holistic health is able to improve

Neighborhood revitalization is an important aspect in the amelioration of many communities across the country. These efforts generate a great deal of progression and change, allowing the neighborhood and its inhabitants to thrive off their new and improved quality of life. Most of the new and improved neighborhoods consist of better amenities such as parks, convenience stores, and schools. These types of things can be beneficial and give people who are living in the area something to look forward to.

Jacob Ladder’s Logo

I decided to immerse myself in an experience that would allow me to get a feel for what issues my own community was facing in regards to its social and infrastructural development. As part of a community service project, I decided to work with Jacob Ladder’s Community Development Corporation whose primary goal is to revitalize poorly conditioned neighborhoods. The organization specifically targets their work towards the Beltline community which is exactly where I set out to contribute to and embrace the mission of change. Upon arrival to the Beltline, It didn’t take long for me to realize that our job was going to be a lot harder than I anticipated. However, despite the arduous task, my team and I proceeded to pick up trash, trim trees, and rake leaves. It became evident that the neighborhood was not in its best shape. Rubbish lined the ditches and sidewalks and the street appeared to be hidden by all the leaves that had fallen from the trees. Alongside the trash sat abandon houses splattered with graffiti.

Besides the physical deterioration that the neighborhood suffered from, there was also evidence that the neighborhood had been plagued by many underlying negative factors including drug use, prostitution, and gang violence. The Beltline neighborhood was in a physically severe state of despair, however, as mentioned before, its poorly constrained state also affected the holistic health of the neighborhood’s residents causing it to decline significantly. However, more efforts to improve the Beltline’s physical appearance as well as what it has to offer, can have a more positive impact on the residents’ holistic health.

“Stable, affordable housing is a key determinant of health. The house and neighborhood where one grows up impacts the health and longevity of one’s life.” (Habitat for Humanity).

“The connections to green building are by no means accidental. Many of the things that make places more sustainable and reduce their environmental impact also make them healthier. Safe, walkable neighborhoods make it easy and enjoyable for people to be physically active, and reduce car emissions. Green space and urban gardens provide a host of health benefits while reducing the heat-island effect.” (Build Healthy Places Network).

Neighborhood Revitalization improves these aspects of a person’s health

The way a neighborhood is constructed has a major impact on the way the foundation for an individual’s life is paved. Having a place for residents to walk their dogs or take the kids to play significantly increases their chances of living a healthier and happier life due to the fact that residents would be able to be more active and more social. However, because of the fact that the Beltline community lacked these types of amenities and opportunities, it became encapsulated by disadvantageous circumstances such as crime, and as a result, many of its inhabitants developed such learned behaviors and started to engage in more of this violent activity. Furthermore, in a metaphorical sense, these individuals have had a wall constructed around them. This “wall” has confined these individuals to what they have been subjected to thus allowing little room for them to roam away from the negative activity they take part in and escape their confinement. Unconsciously, a demarcation has been created between them and the rest of the outside world.

“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” (Jacobs 238).

From these instances, I was able to conclude that the reason many of these individuals are unable to escape this type of confinement is because they have not yet encountered the progress needed to make their communities a better place. In order for a large change to occur, you have to be inspired. This inspiration can come from just a small change. In regards to neighborhood revitalization, small change can simply be just adding a community garden. Once residents see the start of this progression, they’re going to continue to want more change to happen and eventually they will make it happen. Residents will become more innovative. Neighborhood Revitalization requires the people’s help, otherwise, nothing will get done. The adding of amenities such as kid-friendly activities, job opportunities, and education will eventually re-route the minds of the residents causing them to stop taking part in violent activity thus getting rid of urban threats like crime. Building a new community or renovating an old one can help improve all of these issues. Creativity, efficiency, and innovation is important for change.

Neighborhood Revitalization in Memphis, our very own community

All in all, my experience allowed me to truly get a glimpse of what issues communities in my city were dealing with. I realized that neighborhood revitalization wasn’t implemented in Memphis as much as it should’ve been and the Beltline was just one of many smaller communities that was dealing with this issue firsthand. However, I quickly learned that the greatest amount of change can only occur if individuals work hard enough to achieve it. With the help of everyone in the area, cities can have more vivacious neighborhoods and residents. People need motivation and inspiration to push them along the spectrum of wanting better for their current and future situations. The smallest efforts can produce a larger result. Remember that whatever type of environment you set out to create, you’ll get exactly what you’re hoping for if you just put your mind to it.

Volunteering with Jacob Ladder’s


“The Importance of Healthy Neighborhoods.” Habitat for Humanity, www.habitat.org/impact/our-work/neighborhood-revitalization/importance-of-healthy-neighborhoods.

Ladder, Jacob’s. YouTube, YouTube, 8 Apr. 2013, www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni5SGSsm6CY.

Jacobs, Jane. The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Vintage Digital, 2016.

“Urbanization Effects.” A Guide to Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave National Park, National Geographic, 12 Mar. 2017, www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/habitats/urban-threats/.

Talks, TEDx, and Jason Jackson. YouTube, YouTube, 20 Sept. 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMF6FP2_jys.

“Neighborhood Revitalization.” Habitat for Humanity, www.habitat.org/impact/our-work/neighborhood-revitalization.

Miller, Jeni. “It’s All Connected: Why Community Development and Health Go Hand-in-Hand.” Build Healthy Places Network, 26 Jan. 2017, buildhealthyplaces.org/whats-new/its-all-connected-why-community-development-and-health-go-hand-in-hand/.

“What Is Holistic Health.” Guiding Wellness, guidingwellness.com/wellness-and-holism/what-is-holistic-health/.

