Golfing Guide for Gentlemen

Kay Fong
2 min readJan 9, 2018


Golf is considered a game of gentlemen. A pleasant and engaging activity, it requires adhering to some basics and norms when practicing it. Lots of people tend to forget the importance of etiquette when golfing, so situations in which some golfers are dismayed by the behavior of others aren’t rare. But if you’ve managed to book for yourself golf courses and aren’t sure about the basics you need to follow, here are some that might be helpful.

Make your safety and that of other players a priority. While rare, golfing accidents do occur and they’re far from pleasant. Both golf balls and golf clubs are potential hazards, particularly when they hit a high velocity. To maintain proper safety levels, ensure that there’s no player in your club’s or ball’s trajectory. Alert other players before you hit the ball, as wind and other conditions outdoors might affect your ball’s trajectory.

Always respect other players like a gentleman. Noise can distract both you and other golfers. As you love the nice environment for making your hits, other players appreciate it too. Golf is something that’s done in tranquility. Thus, even when in groups, do respect the right of others to a peaceful environment. Avoid small talk during this period, don’t obstruct other players’ vision, and always stay behind someone preparing to shoot. Remember, putting your phone on silent mode or switching it off is the right way to avoid the stern looks of others. A gentleman naturally knows all these things instinctively. Know more about golf in

Always stay with the group

If you’re playing in a golf course at this site without different routes for advanced players and beginners, do your best no to stay behind the group. If you do this, you’ll prevent your playing colleagues from continuing with their game, and others from maintaining a good playing pace. As you shoot, always follow the ball in order to keep a steady playing speed. If not, the players behind you could be forced to waste a bit of time so you can get to your ball and play the next hit.

Golfing requires perfect behavior

In general, the behavior of a gentleman must be perfect, but there’s something to note though. When golfing, do not swear, become violent, or lose your cool. Others will certainly ignore all the actions and will have a negative image of you as a player, as well as human being. Although golfing could become intense at certain times, always respect the equipment at provided and other players, and have a decent attitude.

