The Do’s & Don’ts of Writing Dialogue in Fiction.

Let’s Work on Making Your Dialogue Writing Skills Shine!

Kaylee Writes
4 min readAug 5, 2023


In Order to Write Good Dialogue, You Have to Know What it is.

Dialogue in writing is the exchange of spoken words in a written work, whether it’s a book, show, movie, or play. You can typically tell when something is a dialogue by quotation marks and dialogue tags.

For example:
“Hey reader, you look really nice today!” I say with a smile.

It’s important for any form of writing.

It’s an essential part of storytelling- makes your characters talk to each other. This can bring out the character’s personality, motives, emotions, and moves the plot forward.

So Now That You Know What is it and Why it’s Important, Let’s Get Into The Do’s & Don’ts.

Note, I’m sure you already knew what it was.



Make it sound natural.

  • Your characters should speak smoothly with one another and sound like a real conversation.
  • This is how you can avoid filler words and unnecessary…



Kaylee Writes

I write easy to read, ADD friendly, articles about writing tips. 🍑author 🍑illustrator 🍑most importantly, a mother!