Visit to the Lighthouse in Glasgow (12/11/18)

Kayleigh Speirs
4 min readDec 9, 2018


Photo Taken On Lighthouse Balcony

My visit to the Lighthouse in Glasgow was probably my favourite visit to date. I found the gallery to be full of interesting exhibits and one of the most exciting exhibits for me so far — a poster exhibit.


Poster Exhibit

Snapshot of my favourite section of the exhibit

I was very fortunate that one of the exhibits here was almost exclusively graphic design as it gave me a lot of work to see. Having to create 50 posters myself, it was good to see inspiration for various different layouts, concepts and colours I could use to fit to my themes. Something interesting I found here was that individually each of the posters were graphically compelling and created interest but when placed all together, it was clear which ones became more eye-catching. I thought I could use this principle to ensure my own designs would stand out if placed in a larger group.


Glass Work —

This piece caught my eye as I was walking up the stairs as I thought it was quite unusual to have it placed over the window and it took me a few seconds to realise what it was. I really liked the unusual use of the traditional “stick-man” and the way it has been used to show that the different shapes can be used in different ways to tell a different story. It was definitely well-suited in this gallery.


Visaurihelix — Louise Harris

Visaurihelix — Louise Harris

When I was wandering around the Charles Rennie Mackintosh exhibition area, I came across this tower which was described as a sound art piece and experience. Walking up the hundreds of steps, I noticed musical beaters had been placed in containers every so often, meant to be taken out and hit gently on the “pipe” structures to create a ringing sound that would be carried up and down the stairs. The overall shape of the exhibit was inspired by Mackintosh and was created to pay homage to the designer 150 years after the day of his birth.


Miniature Model
Miniature Model

I also found this exhibit in the Mackintosh area among other miniature models but this one stood out to me more due to the extreme precision that has been used in order to create the minuscule details such as the furniture on the balcony or the brickwork on the actual house. This is a great example of a fantastic piece of design from another discipline as my own that I feel I could still look to for inspiration in my own work.


Plastic Recycling Unit

Plastic Recycling Unit

I found quite an interesting area next to the poster exhibition which was dedicated to creating reusable objects and materials from plastic and other recyclables. As well as being able to see all the objects that had been created through these methods, the exhibit also featured this bottle top collection point where anyone could donate washed and clean bottle tops that could be used to continue research.


The Lighthouse contained many exhibits that I found interesting and I have taken a note of all of them. The exhibits that I have included here are the ones that had the most impact on me in person and the ones I find to be most important such as the recyclable plastic into other objects.

