4 min readJul 9, 2018


In recent years research and ranking has shown high number of game players in the world. In the global market the game sector has been able to beat other popular sectors by reaching about 116 billion of revenue in 2017. Statistics shows that 60 percent of Americans play games daily, and about 64 percent of American households have at least one person who plays games regularly. This statistics shows great potential in the gaming sector. To balance the need of game players, game developers have been designing and creating varieties of games for individuals who love playing games. And as this developers design games, they spend more than half of their revenue on marketing of this games, online ads platforms and also paying heavily to centralized game distribution platforms. And only big companies or developers with huge funds are able to effectively reach or attract players and this greatly affect small platforms chasing them out of business because after designing games they do not have enough funds to attract players. As records shows that to reach just a player for a mobile game, about 15$ is spent.

To solve the problem of funds for marketing and the bigger companies over shadowing the smaller platforms in attracting and getting more players, the EON FOUNDATION has been created. The EON platform is a Decentralized digital game distribution Platform whereby gamers online can be able with ease to discover, play games and also freely share games, and also more overwhelming to be able to interact with other people who play games too. The EON foundation is powered on the Blockchain Technology which is globally accessible. EON token is designed for the economic incentive process to reward those who are keen to grow the EON Platform By means of the Blockchain technology, payment transactions on EON Platform will be fast and very efficient as most currencies will be supported. With the EON platform, game developers have the ability to share games all over the world without boundaries. EON platform also makes it possible for users to benefit from incentives as they are able to refers users and generate revenues from the distribution fees.

Eon platform will use Smart Contracts, i.e. Smart contracts are designed on the Ethereum Blockchain, and these contracts are automatically executed according to their code. This will largely reduce the fake traffic and make it very much easy to calculate return on investment. The EON platform benefits both the developers and also the gamers, as developers will spend less to attract players and also game lovers will find it more easier to discover their choice of games. Game developers can configure the referral smart contract to reward those gamers that bring in new players from outside the platform, the number of rewards can be manually configured or can be automatically adjusted. Referral activities are recorded on the Blockchain and can be audited by everyone on the platform. And this makes the process much more trustworthy. With EON platform, discovering games by users will be less difficult, and then to pay for this games will be easy as the developers can configure the currencies to be accepted, Or they want to support. Eon platform also supports the gaming community where users or players can be able to chat and communicate among themselves. Users will have their own personal profile page where they will be able to show their activities and also publicly display their progress. The community and its advantages will help grow the eon platform.

EON Platform will offer very friendly way to buy EON tokens as their will be a lot of services to be able to spend them on, and as time goes by Demand for EON token will be on the rise. The very early supporters of EON token will be so delighted to be aware that they will be duly and greatly rewarded when the platform grows, as EON token is designed to support the economy of the EON platform and also foster its growth.


Type Utility:- Token
Currency Code:- EON
Decimal Places:- 18
Token Total Amount:- 2.1 Billion

EON Token Distribution


Telegram: https://t.me/eontoken3

Steemit: https://steemit.com/@eontoken

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClIHqQgidOdyoVEcF1cn_CA

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/eontoken/?modal=admin_todo_tour

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EonToken

White Paper: https://docsend.com/view/yuhe5nc

Ico Info: https://icodrops.com/eon/

Ico Whitelist: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1LArlDPiufwcQVJCioWIAWUsIYWfUjZOzmESG3TBkCZQ/edit

