6 min readJul 13, 2018


When the word online is mentioned, this means the ability to be able to connect to a network of computer or other devices. And most times the word is used to describe a person who is currently connected to the internet. And when connected to the internet, most likely websites are also visited. This websites are collection of related web pages identified with a common domain name and are published on a web server. And this websites are accessible to the public. Websites can be used in various ways and they include fashion, sports, entertainment and may also include social networking. Only few individuals are aware that most of their activities are been tracked by government agencies and also big organizations, checking out their every moves. Most Websites are usually flooded with unnecessary ads that most times try to sell or advertise things that we do not need and this experience can be irritating and annoying. Being online, surfing the net also increases high rate of malicious malware's that can be hazardous to devices used to access the Net. Online.io platform was designed to create a better conducive atmosphere for users, creating a condition where by users get faster speed when using the internet, non-trackable browsing experience and also ads/malware free condition. Website operators also benefit from the revenues generated from ads which in most cases are not calculated effectively, but this can be corrected by Online.Io as the platform will implement solution based on the high scale, transparent and fully accountable Blockchain technology which will make sure that the website operators get real results based on the number of visitors to their web pages.

Online.io Ecosystem Overview.
Since the emergence of the Blockchain technology, it has influenced many sectors of the world. For some time the hype around the Blockchain technology has increased especially Ethereum based smart start-ups that have been developed to have more impact in human day to day activities like in the banks, online market place, grocery shopping, holidays etc. statistics shows that about 40% of the world population can access the internet and for this reason the advertising business enjoys this honey pot. But as times goes by evolving capabilities and changing regulatory prospects will affect how advertisers will be able to connect and also engage customers in the near future. Online users in one accord voiced out their pains and are unhappy because of 3 solid reasons, they are Security, and Privacy Intrusive ad formats.

Online.io platform will be implementing a decentralized ecosystem which will integrate all the necessary features and allow web users to surf the net faster, safer and also with privacy. Online.io will be developed on the advanced Blockchain technology, and this will be beneficial to both internet users and also the web operators. Online.io will provide enhanced online experience for internet users by inculcating digital advertisements and this means faster web-age loading time and more enjoyable browsing experiences because disturbing ad formats have all been removed. Online.io will also offer protection for consumer’s data by adding security based on the Blockchain technology which will be there to eliminate demographic and behavioral profiling from being collected from users without their notice.

Security: 95% of the websites online are all jam-packed with ads and most of them are as well infected with hazardous malwares. Web operators always incorporate these ads into their webpages and this makes most of the users who visit these pages prone to bad and unwanted ads which may lead these innocent users vulnerable to malicious malwares.

To solve this major problem, a custom anti malware and ad blocking system must be integrated, and that is exactly what online.io platform will do. This will be available to users so they can perfectly enjoy a better experience on all websites they choose to surf. And this will even encourage website operators to be inclined to use online.io system.

Privacy: When users surf around websites, Big companies consistently track this users activities with the sole aim to be able to narrow their ads to what this users are possibly interested in. This returns huge profits for these companies for their jobs of customers profiling. Actions like this makes it easy for websites to show you what they want you to see, products they feel you need and also ads they feel you will possibly click on.

Online.io platform will integrate a tracker blocker that will have the ability to block this tracking system by these big companies, thereby making it difficult for them to track the profile of individuals, increasing the safety of users.

Quality: Most website operators tend to make their websites overly attractive by using different tricks and mostly immoral contents. No system is in place to curtail these bad tricks to lure users, but what everyone is consigned about is to get more traffic on the site and get more users to click ads.

Online.io platform will integrate a kind of voting platform where by users will be able to vote the websites by their qualities. By this now it will be easy to curtail the issue of quality, because websites with low qualities can easily be spotted and then caution taken.

Free The Internet: Users around the world today have to pay visible or hidden fees to browse the internet, and this methods used for payments include advertisements, ecommerce and subscriptions. No websites is designed to be free as they all have charges in one way or the other, some might even ask for donations publicly.

The platform designed by online.io will integrate solutions, whereby websites will now have a new kind of revenue stream system that is based on the time spent by visitors on their webpages, and this will not require any form of payment from end users or sourcing for donations publicly.

Online.io will design desktop browser extensions for all major browsers that will contain ad blockers, tracking script blockers and antimalware’s. The voting system will also be included in the extensions allowing the users to be able to rate websites visited. Online.io will also design mobile applications that will function as wallet, ad blocker, tracking script blocker, and anti-malware features.

The Online.io wallet will be developed and it will have the ability to work on all major operating systems and browsers, the wallet will be integrated in the desktop browser extensions and these wallets will feature advanced security which include two-factor authentication, finger print and face recognition, passphrase + pin and also automatic wallet encryption and many other security features.

Online Token description (OIO)

The online token (OIO) was developed with the sole purpose to serve as the bedrock for online.io platform. Out of the tokens generated. 15% of the OIO will be reserved for 1 year by the company and will not be available for sale during that period. After the Token Generation Event the OIO tokens will be available on various exchanges. The OIO tokens will also function as a proof of stake and generate ICE Tokens, 20% of all generated ICE Tokens will be distributed to OIO token holders who keep their tokens on a special wallet

Maximum number of tokens supply: 2,500,000,000
OIO token price: 0.04 USD
Payment methods accepted: Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Dash, Eth. Classic
Adjustable distribution: Unsold and unallocated tokens will be destroyed
Soft cap of: 5,000,000 USD
Hard cap of: 50,000,000 USD


Website https://online.io
Ico link https://tge.online.io/
Whitepaper https://online.io/download/OIO-Whitepaper.pdf
Telegram https://t.me/OnlineIO
Twitter https://twitter.com/OnlineIO_
Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3479652

Author Details
Bitcoin talk username: kayman78