How to solve loaders & jquery is not working in the livewire pagination

2 min readMar 19, 2024


Enhancing Livewire Pagination with Loaders and jQuery Integration

Livewire stands as a robust framework tailored for crafting dynamic interfaces within Laravel applications. One common challenge developers face is integrating loaders and jQuery functionality seamlessly into Livewire pagination. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to achieve this integration to enhance user experience while navigating through paginated content.

First, ensure you have Livewire installed in your Laravel project. If Livewire is not yet installed in your Laravel project, you can easily add it using Composer:

Photo by Markus Spiske on Pexels

Step 1: Set Up Livewire Pagination

First, ensure you have Livewire installed in your Laravel project. If Livewire is not yet installed in your Laravel project, you can easily add it using Composer:

composer require livewire/livewire

Next, set up Livewire pagination in your Livewire component. Suppose we have a simple Livewire component named Posts. Within this component, we’ll paginate a collection of “posts” fetched from the database.

// app/Http/Livewire/Posts.php

namespace AppHttpLivewire;

use LivewireComponent;
use AppModelsPost;

class Posts extends Component
public $posts;

public function mount()
$this->posts = Post::paginate(10);

public function render()
return view(‘livewire.posts’, [‘posts’ => $this->posts]);

Step 2: Add Loader Animation

To provide feedback to users while pagination is loading, integrate a loader animation into your Livewire component’s Blade view.

<! — resources/views/livewire/posts.blade.php →

<! — Display Posts →
@foreach ($posts as $post)
<! — Render each post →

<! — Loader Animation →
@if ($posts->count() < $posts->total())
<div id=”loader” class=”loader”></div>

document.addEventListener(“livewire:load”, function () {
Livewire.hook(‘beforeDomUpdate’, () => {
$(‘#loader’).show(); // Show loader before Livewire update

Livewire.hook(‘afterDomUpdate’, () => {
$(‘#loader’).hide(); // Hide loader after Livewire update

Step 3: Integrate jQuery for Smooth Pagination

In some cases, Livewire pagination might not handle certain jQuery functionalities seamlessly. We can integrate jQuery to enhance pagination smoothness.

<! — resources/views/livewire/posts.blade.php →

document.addEventListener(“livewire:load”, function () {
Livewire.hook(‘beforeDomUpdate’, () => {
$(‘#loader’).show(); // Show loader before Livewire update

Livewire.hook(‘afterDomUpdate’, () => {
$(‘#loader’).hide(); // Hide loader after Livewire update

// Smooth scroll to top after Livewire update
Livewire.hook(‘afterDomUpdate’, () => {
$(‘html, body’).animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, ‘slow’);


By integrating loaders and jQuery functionality into Livewire pagination, we can enhance user experience and provide smoother navigation through paginated content in Laravel applications. This approach ensures that users receive immediate feedback during pagination operations and enjoy a seamless browsing experience.

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