Comparing and Contrast: Jobs

Kaywin Park
4 min readJan 3, 2017



There are many types of job in this world and the jobs are different in conditions or benefits that you will get from working in that job. For me, I prefer to work in a job that I feel satisfied because I don’t want to work in a job that I don’t feel comfortable to work, it would make me feel stress. I like to work in a job that I happy to work everyday without stress and feel good. Sometimes thing might get challenging to me, but I think it is fine because in life we need to face some challenge too. My will of having a satisfy job would be fulfilled if I can work wherever I want. I like to have freedom very much, but I still don’t want an easy job or a secure job that I won’t be fired.

The job that I would do should be the job that I feel very satisfied because I would feel good to work in that position. There are many reasons that a satisfied job would fits me well. For example, I want to be a Chemist, so I willingly to work in a lab condition because I would feel good and confident to work in the lab. The environment of the workplace will make me build up confident that I need to make progress on my work or research that I’m working on. The good thing about this is that I’m happy of my working environment because I’m working in the job that I’m satisfied. There is also bad thing about this which is you can’t really know that the work going to pay you off as you like it. Satisfied job would not fully fulfill my satisfaction yet, it’s still missing one factor which is to work wherever I want. I’m not the kind of person that would work in the place that I’m not suitable for me. The opposite side of this thing is that the payments would not be as good as the other who could work anywhere.

People would always want to have a prestigious job which I’m one of them who really want that. In my opinion, having a prestigious job would affect what the people look at me. Other people would see me as a smart and a talented man who can climb the stair to success in having a high-ranked prestigious job. It would also means to look good like you are wearing clothes. Prestigious job would give you a nice suits or tuxedo to your social life among others. Not just other who will be appreciating you, yourself would too. Another side of it would be that the people will just look at you from the outside or the stereotype of you only. People may not considering you from the inside. If you are not as they think you are, you might get in trouble as well.

By having prestigious job, another benefit you mostly will get is high salary. Fortunately, not all prestigious job have high salary, but most of them do. Having a job that have high salary for me is a very good thing because I could use all the salary I get to take care of my family in the future or taking care of other major stuff for my entire life. Money you all know is now a major factor of making things progress and done. If you get a job that has low salary, you might not be able to take care of many things in life or the thing that you will be encounter with. High salary job doesn’t mean that the work is going to be easy for you. The high salary comes with a double blade which is that the work you are going to do will be harsh and a lot of work has to be done. Those high salary will mostly come from your effort in work of how much you into the work you are doing and it is going to be difficult.

From what all I’m saying is that every type of work have it own pros and cons, but it depends on how much can you deal with it. The job that you are satisfied might not pay as you are expected. To work wherever you want doesn’t mean you will get that high salary too. The prestigious job is so great, but you need to deal with the other side of it too. The same as the job that pays a lot, doesn’t mean you can do anything and the boss will give you that loads of money. You still need to put your effort into it to be success in your life and especially, your own requirements.



Kaywin Park

A soon-to-be entrepreneur, a geek, a gamer, and probably the closest definition to an “Introvert” | Thai-Korean | “Keep Moving Forward”