It’s No Good I Just Can’t Do It

My OCD got the better of me

Kaz Rochford
2 min readJan 11, 2022
Someone with OCD straightening shoes and boots
Reality Series GIF via GIPHY

I made a plan at the beginning of the month to only submit to publications this month. I knew it would be a struggle because of my OCD.

OCD isn’t just about being organised and keeping all your coat-hangers facing the same way. It’s also a compulsion to be in control of things, to do things a certain way.

Another major issue that affects some people is pathological lying or pathological honesty. I have the latter, and I know I’m too honest for my own good a lot of the time. It’s often a case of ‘keyboard’ first, brain after.

I’ve battled against it for years, but it keeps winning…

The three publications I have published with so far are run by lovely people and their pubs’ are great. They definitely deserve a shoutout.



Kaz Rochford

I write about relationships and life experiences. I also dabble in poetry, fiction and videos...