Bathroom Closets Tarnish School’s Reputation

Kira Berube
3 min readNov 18, 2019


By Kira Berube

At South Kingstown High School many agree that there is a problem with school cleanliness, specifical garbage in areas where it does not belong. The school was built in 1952, and over these last 67 years, unwanted trash has accumulated in numerous bathroom closets.

The trash in girls’ third-floor bathroom.

In two out of the four girls’ bathrooms, the closets located behind the entrances are filled with unwanted trash.

Math teacher at SKHS, Ms. Pearce, stated, “It’s kind of scary to know that there are just like piles of trash somewhere in the school that’s not being taken care of.”

“It’s kind of scary to know that there are just like piles of trash somewhere in the school that’s not being taken care of,” stated math teacher at SKHS, Ms. Pearce after viewing photos of the girls’ bathroom closets.

A 20-year-old newspaper from the girl’s third-floor bathroom closet.

The closets are filled with items such as newspapers, wood, mats, a table, a plunger, pipes, a window frame, and other debris. There are even newspapers that have been in the closets for 19 years, closets that were originally intended to hold sullies and provide access to pipes and wiring.

Ms. Lahey, head custodian stated, “[The closets] were put in there for a purpose so you could get to the back of the pipes if something broke.”

The bathroom closets originally were installed so maintenance could access the pipes if there were problems with toilets, sinks, etc. Yet many of the pipes appear inaccessible due to the trash accumulation in the closets.

“It was a big problem and it still continues to be one,” Lahey added.

Very few students and faculty know about the closets which possibly has caused the trash to build up.

Lahey said the closets were “originally put in when the school was built” and the original doors remain. “These closets are 67 years old, and getting older,” she added. “I have heard no news of these closets ever being replaced.”

Amalia Costa, a freshman at SKHS has presented pictures of the inside of the closets and stated, “Frankly, I feel a little bit disgusted and unsafe.”

Freshman Amalia Costa stated, “Frankly, I feel a little bit disgusted and unsafe.”
The trash in the girls’ second-floor bathroom.



Kira Berube

A South Kingstown High School freshman, who plays volleyball and many other sports. Kira’s here trying to learn more about writing by starting here.