Canada Visa In India

Kailash Bisht
3 min readApr 29, 2017


As I worked for long 4 years in travel and Visa line So I would like to share and trying to help you with the documentation for Canada Visa In India.

I am always glad if i could help you with the Canada Visa in a fair manner with appropriate documents — This is what exactly Visa office required. In consideration of preparing the documents please be clear on below point it will help you to get the positive results:

Each of these below factors should be carefully evaluated -

· Purpose of your travel to Canada

· Whether you will return to home country after visiting Canada

· Sufficient funds to support yourself during the visit to Canada

Canada Visa Forms (One click far just do Google below Italic fonts) -

- Main Application Form — IMM5257E

-Family Information Form -ᅠIMM5645E

- Schedule 1 Form — IMM5257B

- Consent Form (If applying thru VFS) — Consent form for Canada

Documents for Canad visa as per VFS Checklist –

Checklist -

* Passport — valid for at least six months from the date of submission

*Filled Visa Application Forms

* Two recent color photographs, 35x45 mm — White background

* Covering letter — Detailed Purpose

*Employment details

No objection certificate (Name/Designation/Date of Hiring/Salary — Employer’s name/address/contact details )

o Pay Slips- (Proposed- Not Mandatory)

If Retired - Retirement certificate indicating amount of your pension.

* Bank Statement — At least 6 Months

* ITR — At least 2Years / Form 16

Visiting Friend or Relative –

o Invitation letterᅠ(invitee stating the relationship/Purpose/Duration/Accommodation with the applicant)

Invitee’s family details

Invitee’s proof of immigration status (PR/Passport/Valid Permit)

Financial documents of invitee

*Proof of employment,

*Notice of Assessment (As we have ITR here in India)

*Pay slips

*Bank Statements

*If self employed: Proof of Business (As we have registration of the company/partnership deed/ Memorandum of Article (MOA)

If Inviter is Student –

*Propose invite

*Good Standing from College — (Student permit/Letter of Acceptance)

Tourist –

Detailed Itinerary –

Letter to cover your itinerary

Hotel Booking — (Proposed- Not Mandatory)

*Air Ticketᅠᅠ(Proposed- Not Mandatory)

Proof of previous Travel — Submit all your passports/ Prepare an extra sheet of your travel history (with Entry and exit date)

oIf Student -ᅠOriginal letter from school confirming of Enrollment and the leave granting

*Fee – Due to depreciation in currency — Estimate maximum you can take it as INR- 6000/-

Still If you required any assistance for CANADA VISAᅠ:

Call Me @ +91–7836957598

(Any time )

HappY 2 Help



Kailash Bisht

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