Take Advantage of Prestashop Instock Notifier — Read These 8 Tips

Kbizsoft Store
5 min readJul 29, 2022



It is heartbreaking when you finally find a product at a reasonable price, but that is out of stock. This is majorly seen during the festivals or end-of-season sales. However, for the business owner, it is overwhelming that his business is growing and people are demanding products, while for the customers, it is annoying as they need to wait, wait, and wait until the product is not returned in the store.

To be very frank, do you think the customer would wait so long? Of course, not! Customers can look for your competitors and find the deal there. So, to avoid customer loss and cart abandonment, you should restock the products as soon as possible. And how do you say your product is back in store? In-stock notifier can help you in this.

It might seem imperfect for a customer, but imagine hundreds of customers waiting for the product to be back in store. To prevent customer loss, an instock notifier is designed to keep your customers yours for longer. But how to use it smartly is the trick you should be aware of.

This article will help you know Prestashop Instock notifier in-depth and also some of the best tips that you can implement to better your business growth. Let’s dive in!

What Is Instock Notifier?

Instock notifier is one of the best eCommerce plugins designed to boost the user experience by keeping users updated with “out-of-stock” products. Instock notifier plugin quickly updates the users about the product they had wished to buy previously. Although, this quickly identifies the product that is huge in demand, and the owner needs to restock them.

Putting it into simple, Prestashop Instock notifier sends an email or notification to the user for out-of-stock products. Practically, it is designed to increase customer retention, sales, and user experience.

Now, you know what an Instock notifier is. So, it’s time to learn some tips that help you get the most out of the Instock notifier plugin.

8 Amazing Tips To Make The Most Out Of Instock Notifier

1. Draw Attention To Other Most Demanded Products

When the user’s demanded product is back in the store, then send an email to the user along with other hot products catalog that would go best in the sale. And make sure each product is accompanied by with own CTAs. By including the hottest products, you can’t only increase sales for business but also satisfy customers by giving them good deals like free shipping, etc.

Increase your sale with Prestashop Instock Notifier

2. Pay Attention To Multiple Products

Sending in-stock mail helps you again highlight the features of out-of-stock products. But you can utilize this one-to-one interaction with the customer to do huge business. So, make use of space and highlight other products with special offers to attract users. See an image below; you will find a marketer is sending a 50% off deal on men’s wear on multiple brands following a CTA.

Sales increase using Prestashop Instock Notifier

3. Stop Sending Back-In-Stock Alerts Rigorously

Remember, you are not allowed to send back-in-stock mail again and again. This can be frustrating for customers. Instead of this, you should switch and send emails by playing with your other products, email templates, and many more.

Try using email users’ data and plan the marketing strategy that helps you deliver the most sales to your brand. Doing this can drive traffic, conversion, and sales to your business. Here is the best example you can try for your next email campaign.

Boost you bussiness with Prestashop Instock Notifier

4. Add Urgency With Call To Actions

A single image of a previously out-of-stock item and a lengthy explanation of why it is so popular is all the beauty brand needs to inform subscribers that the item is suddenly available. The email concludes with the straightforward yet effective CTA “Don’t wait,” which implores the customer to purchase the obviously highly sought product as soon as possible. This email is an excellent illustration of how you can do a lot with just a few key components.

Increase your sale with Prestashop Instock Notifier

5. Announce Upcoming Restock Product And Ask Customers To Sign-up For Notification

Keep waiting sucks your customers and even loses their interest in the product. But to keep them waiting for excitement, sending a “wait is going to over” or “stock is coming” kind of email notification can keep your customers engaged with your app. This small trick can increase customer retention and sales to your business.

See, for example, a brand called girlfriend collective keeps sending reminder mails to the customer regarding restocking products. Not only this small initiative gives their brand loyal value, but it also keeps your customers engaged with your brand activities.

Customers attention with Prestashop Instock Notifier

6. Inform Customers that Restocked Items Are On Sale

Once your products are restocked, let inform your customers that restocked items are backed with some amazing offers. It encourages your customers to buy a product with lots more exciting deals that somehow save their money. Look at a given example; the owner is giving away restocked products with free shipping.

Inform the Customer with Prestashop Instock Notifier

7. Make The Best Use Of Subject Line

Sometimes most demanded products are back in stock for a limited time and units, so make sure you’re informing these things to your customers. And for this, use the subject line as your major that creates a sense of urgency among customers that push them to make a purchase. Look for the given example-

Send Notification with Prestashop Instock Notifier

8. Attach Social Proof For Your Restocked Product

Often customers don’t believe in “out of stock.” So to make them sure, give them proof “the stock is back in” with a pinch of social proof. Say, for example, the Citizenry announcing cushions are back in stock with a simple call to action.

Send emails with Prestashop Instock Notifier

The Bottom Line

So, these are the 8 best tips you can use when sending back-in-stock emails to users for gaining more attention from customers. Try all these and share what is worked best for you.



Kbizsoft Store

Kbizsoft Solutions is one the biggest Web Development, Web Designing and Digital Marketing service provider company in India with the Head-Office at Chandigarh.