New Neighbor Part One

Being watched by all of my neighbors really turned me on so we eventually invited them to join.

Kati James
9 min readNov 27, 2022
Photo by Mia Harvey on Unsplash

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I just moved into my new home. Huge house in the suburbs in a busy Texas town. I’m used to living on acres of land. This is all new to me. I used to have privacy, now my neighbors window is just feet from mine. The fence is not high enough for my liking either. I like privacy. Especially for the things that I do. But I want to be friendly. I live alone, so having ally’s is always a good thing.

You may be wondering how I can afford this huge house on my own. I’ll say it. I have an onlyfans. And It pays me well! I let them see me, all of me, and I get paid. Let me describe to you what I look like. I’ll give you my measurements: 36, 30, 42. I have natural DD’s. I’m 5’3 and 127 pounds. Thick brown hair and piercing, icy blue eyes. I can see right through you. I know exactly what you want when you look at me. That is why I am so successful at what I do.

I spend a lot of time outside soaking up the sun and feeling the warm air on my body. I have an in-ground pool now which I’ve never had before. I could live in it. There is a large deck leading right to it from my back door. It’s perfect for my content too. The family I bought this house from left the trampoline behind. I’ve had a lot of fun on that, for sure. I have a little area I have set up for filming my content.

I have neighbors on each side of my house. To my left is an older man, well he’s in his late forties. Me being 28, it’s a little old for me. He’s married. I notice he spends a lot of time pulling weeds while I’m out here. They must have a ton. To my right is a guy my age, maybe a little younger. He lives with 2 roommates it seems.

I realize the older man to my left likes to watch me create from his bedroom window on the second floor. I see him up there up there frequently. By the look on his face I can’t tell if he is enamored or disgusted. He is hard to read from that far away. But I do know he’s sexy as fuck for his age. He watches me get pictures taken by my photographer friend for my onlyfans. I bet he’s up there jerking himself off watching me. How can a man take his eyes off of the things I do? To be honest I like being watched. It turns me on knowing that I’m turning someone else on. How do you think I’ve gotten 2.4 million followers? I told you I know what people want. I can tell.

Now I know for certain the boys to my right watch me. I haven’t seen them, but I can feel their eyes on me. When I see them during my morning walks, I can tell by the way they talk to me and how they undress me with their eyes. They’ve seen what’s under these tight leggings and sports bra. I know they want to see it up close, in real life. They have to hide their lust for me from their girlfriends. One of them is newly single and basically drools over me. Lucky for him, I eat it right up.

So I’m being watched from both sides. And I love it! It keeps me going and makes me enjoy making content even more. I pretend like I don’t even know they look at me. I never look at them. Well, Not the older man. Not yet anyway. I will though. I hope I catch the other two next door watching me.

Anyway, I have to focus on todays content creation. It’s Saturday so everyone is home. I should have a wonderful audience. I start by going out there in my neon pink bikini. I am waiting for my friend to get here to record me and take some sexy shots. She is the best of the best. She joins me sometimes too. She is hot. A Blonde bombshell. We’ve had many good times together. Inside mostly though. We don’t do that for free.

I lie on my huge raft in my pool and wait for her. It’s the size of a queen mattress. I’m floating and relaxing. I notice my neighbor at his window, what a shock. So I undo my bikini top. I untie the bow behind my neck and let it fall down. I unhook the back and take it completely off. I throw it on a lounge chair from my raft. I wet my hands and rub some pool water on my tits and stomach and down into my bathing suit bottoms, to cool down in this Texas heat. I put my hands behind my head and hang out. I let it all hang out. I pretend to close my eyes, but I’m watching him through the slits. He is totally jerking off. I’ll let him go unnoticed for now. But that is going to change soon.

I hear my side gate open up and I see Kate come through and walk over to the edge of the pool. “Teasing the man next door again?” She laughs. What can I say? I know what he wants. I do know what he wants. He wants to see me fuck Kate. He wants to see us all over each other. He might get his wish judging by how she’s looking today. I want to undress her right now. Not that there’s much ti take off. She’s in a blue bikini with a white mesh coverup. It’s not covering much. And I like it.

She gets right to work and starts snapping pictures of me top-less in the pool. I move and pose, getting just the right angles. She gets into the pool to get closer shots. She takes off her coverup and I just stare at her perfect body. Oh he’s going to get a show today. She steps into the pool with her camera. I take my bottoms off to get some fully nude pics. She watches me take them off and fling them to the lounge chair. She doesn’t take her eyes off me and licks her lips. Coincidence? Or does she just want to eat me?

I get in position for the pics. Still on the raft, I spread my legs. She snaps a pic. I spread my v lips. She snaps a pic. I touch my clit she snaps a pic. Then switches to video. She records me masturbating. She makes sure to get him in view too. How hot is it to see someone spying on someone else doing naughty things? I know what these people want!

Kate is getting so turned on watching me. I know we agreed today was purely for work, but I’m not sure that’s going to happen. I see her nipples harden through her bikini top. If she wasn’t in the pool, I’m sure I’d see a wet spot on her bottoms. The thought makes me more turned on and I rub my clit more intensely. I finger myself to bring more wetness to my clit. I moan and spread my legs wider. She gets closer and adjusts the lens. She wants to touch me. I can see it. Her eyes locked on my pussy, her nipples growing. I take my free hand and reach out to her. “Do you want to give him a show?”

Her camera is on the pool ledge in seconds. Still recording, aimed right at us. She swims back to me, and right away her mouth is on mine and her fingers are rolling my nipples. Her right hand wanders downward. She is sure to get this on camera and be facing this man so he can see everything.

Her fingers make it to my pussy. She rubs it at first with the underside of her hand. She then spreads my lips with her thumb and middle finger, her index finger flicking my clit lightly. It feels so good. The way the hot outside air is hitting me and the breeze from the quickness of her flicks, it gets me even hotter. I moan as I stare at her finger working with such precision. Her finger then stars circling my clit. Firmly pressing and rubbing the top most point. I grip the sides of the raft, I spread my legs even farther, if that’s possible at this point. I’m close to cumming. I take a quick peek at our man at his window. He is in his glory.

Kate, the pro that she is, now has two fingers in my pussy with her thumb rubbing on my clit. I’m moaning and my legs are sloshing around the water. My back arches and she goes harder. With what seems like no effort. She’s so good. Slowing and pressing on my g-spot, then going faster, she t repeats this over and over. I’m losing it. I’m going to cum. My breathing accelerating, my moans louder. I pinch my nipples and my whole body tenses from head to toe. I hear her say “that’s right, cum for me.”, as I am cumming all over her hand.

I finish, but she is not done with me apparently. I thought we were just doing a quick little video. She joins me on the raft now. There’s plenty of room for us both. I realize she is still in her bath suit. That needs to end if we are going to continue. I untie the little bow between her tits and watch them pop out and She removes it entirely. Her tan skin glowing. My hands are soon all over her from her tits to her legs. I reach my hand under her bathing suit bottoms. I kiss her lips intently and rub her. She writhes under my hand. She cums and I basically rip her bottoms off. I lick my fingers to taste her and she smiles. My eyes light up as I do. I want to taste her for real now.

I get on top of her, my ass over her face and my face over her pussy. I’m on all fours. I hear multiple gasps from the other side of the yard as I do this. We turn in wonder and see the tops of three heads just over the fence. They are watching us too! This is something we both love. To be seen. To be watched. We 69 for a while just floating around the pool. She has her hands spreading my ass out. Her tongue in my pussy. The feeling is to die for. My tongue is licking her clit, my lips creating suction. We are grinding into each other desperate for more.

We stop and we start scissoring. I place myself on her in the perfect spot. I start rubbing slowly and increase my speed. We are playing with our own tits. Our wetness allowing us to slide over each other. If it wasn’t for the pool water sloshing, we’d be able to hear it. I do love that sound. We get our pleasure and it finally comes to an end.

We get off the raft and wade around in the pool. We continue to embrace each other and kiss. We look around. We’re being watched from both sides of the yard. We’re being watched by four men. We let them know they’ve been caught. If only one of them would be brave enough to join us. Maybe two. We both want penetration. We are craving it. Kate yells “who wants to join us?” And we laugh thinking no one would come forward. Just then All 3 of the guys next door show their full faces over the fence and ask if we’re serious. We are!

They all come over through the side fence and join us. They are all so ready to go. The man in the window looks defeated. But he is going to have quite a show to watch in a little bit.

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