9 Every Day Myths On Health and Nutrition — BUSTED!

Vasundhara Agrawal
Diet & Nutrition
Published in
5 min readJul 1, 2018

To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.” — La Rochefoucald

We often hear plenty of misconstrued facts regarding health and nutrition every single day. Common misconceptions revolve around healthy eating which hide the real truth behind the curtains. Many a times, people tend to believe half truths which make them even more anxious regarding their health. Trust me , there is a thin line of difference between fact and fiction. All you need to do is be open minded to focus on the logics to see things clear. It is time to stop feeding yourself with misguided information. Here is an amazing list of 10 health and nutrition myths you need to stop believing right away :-

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Myth 1: Drinking eight glasses of water is good for health.

Fact: Well, you don’t need to keep a count of how many glasses of water you drink every day. It is not essential to consume plain water to meet your body requirements. You can take water in the form of vegetable juices, milk, fruits, caffeinated beverages and even cooked rice. Therefore, it is a mere conception that only plain water can contribute to your fluid needs.

Photo by Artur Rutkowski on Unsplash

Myth 2: Dark breads are healthier than white breads.

Fact: Appearances can be deceptive even when it comes to breads. Mere color of the bread cannot determine its nutrient quotient. You need to go through its list of ingredients to check what is actually beneficial for you. Darker breads can be nothing more than caramel coated breads. You might be signing up for just a colored white bread.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Myth 3: Salads are highly recommended as they are healthiest in the diet menu.

Fact: Choosing salad is often considered to be the safest option for all the diet freaks. You might be mistaken in that case. Lettuce mixed with sugar and added toppings can contain more calories than the finger licking pizza you might be trying to resist all this while. All those extra layers of creamy dressings of bacon, cheese, dried fruits can contain more fat than you would have imagined.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Myth 4: Margarine is way better than butter when it comes to healthy diet.

Fact: You might be surprised to hear that margarine contains more trans fats and is worse than butter which contains saturated fat. Butter doesn’t contain any extra ingredients to satisfy your taste palates. On the other hand, hydrogenated oils can be extremely harmful for your body. Go through the ingredient list elaborately and go for the ones with olive oil.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Myth 5: Organic food is healthy.

Fact: There is a big hullaballoo around the word “organic”. People tend to escape eating snacks by labeling them as “organic”. You cannot be consoling yourself every time you try cookies, chips or candies. The harsh reality is that they contain as much sugar, fat and calories as any other non organic snack.

Photo by Eaters Collective on Unsplash

Myth 6 You need to cut carbohydrates in your diet to lose weight.

Fact: Carbohydrates are extremely essential for maintaining energy, concentration and stamina. Therefore, it is not desirable to cut on carbs at any point. You could be missing out on important nutrients which are responsible for maintenance of your health.

Photo by Monique Carrati on Unsplash

Myth 7: Consuming dark chocolate can help you burn fat.

Fact: It can be satisfying to the taste buds that dark chocolate can help you lose weight. Polyphenols which is the main nutrient of dark chocolate, helps in burning fat and lowering down the blood pressure. But how processed is your dark chocolate? Its ingredients will be lost if it way too processed for any actual health benefits.

Photo by Jason Tuinstra on Unsplash

Myth 8: Sea salt is way healthier that regular table salt.

Fact: The difference between them is in their texture, taste and processing. Health advocates promote the use of sea salt as it contains compounds of magnesium, sodium and iron. However, the real truth is that they are present in mere quantities. On the other hand, if you miss out on regular table salt, you will be losing out on iodine which plays an instrumental role in regulating the hormones.

Photo by julian mora on Unsplash

Myth 9: Paleo diet promotes weight loss and burns calories.

Fact: Paleo diet consists of veggies, fruits, seafood, legumes, starches. Hence, it is often seen a golden diet rule for many. However, paleo diet is a just a way of deceiving yourself as it contains steak and bacon. It won’t pay you in the longer run.

Hence, in a nutshell, these are just a few myths in the bucket list. All you need to do is find out the whole story behind every such false truth you hear.

Have you heard similar myths and want to do a reality check on them? Share your comments below and I’ll get back to you with the honest truth.

