Are You On a Ketogenic Diet? Here are 3 Things You Should NOT DO

Vasundhara Agrawal
Diet & Nutrition
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2018

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in.” — Jim Rohn

With low carb diet becoming a trend among fitness freaks and wellness influencers, many don’t realize that it is not as easy as they might have imagined it to be. If you are thinking of following it religiously without understanding its nuances , then you can be in a serious trouble.

Following Keto diet therapy can be a real challenge as it comes with a bunch of side effects in the initial stages. These exquisite tips can help you gear yourself to celebrating your Keto diet plan in just a month. All you need to do is put yourself on a diet test to see the amazing results.

1 — Indulging in eating enough fatty food is not in their list.

You might find this difficult to digest but high fat food is highly recommended if you are following a ketogenic diet therapy. This might be a bolt from the blue for those who have been conditioned into thinking exactly the opposite.

Fats become majorly important source of energy in your body and play the role of a catalyst in breaking down the energy molecules and turning them into ketones. Many people fall short on the fatty diet while on low carb therapy. For instance, delicious chicken parmesan is low on carb and keto friendly only when you cook it in unsaturated fat like olive oil. Dressing your delicious low carb dishes in good fat is a must to see the right results of your ketogenic diet.

2 — Many people look out for positive results too soon.

Following ketogenic diet can be a tedious task at hand but you need to be patient to see the desired results. You cannot expect a miracle overnight even when you are putting rigorous efforts day in and day out. Your sole focus needs to be adjusting to the low carb diet, avoiding bad fat food and monitoring how well your body is able to adapt to ketogenic diet.

You can even seek advice of nutritionist who can help you with planning your diet chart even better. Also, you need to know that, not everything you eat is ideal for your body type. Therefore, it is essential to get your diet chart planned.

3 — Ignoring the food labels is the biggest mistake which they make.

Filling your kitchen with keto friendly food is not as easy as it may seem to be. You just need to have a keen eye to look out for “ sugar free”, “starch free” , “no sugar added “phrases. Also to make yourself doubly sure, look out total carb and net carb levels. These labels can help you make the right food choices for your ketogenic diet. There is a possibility that the food items which you considered to be low carb are actually high on sugar or starch. Thus, make sure that you go through the ingredient list thoroughly to be able to plan your ketogenic diet.

Hence, in a nutshell, following a ketogenic diet is not much of a hassle if you know how to go about it. Make sure that you keep adding healthy carbs to your meals which would include good share of legumes, veggies and fruits. They are highly needed to make up for the carb deficiency.

