KC Müller
2 min readJan 17, 2017

Startup Ideas — Zoonal

Maybe its a thing of developers that many of us have this book or paper or folder full of ideas and concept that never see the sunlight. So I just want to publish some of my ideas. Maybe someone can use them to make something great, maybe the idea gets alive or — like in the first case — back to life.

Zoonal — an idea that I had some time ago in 2009 during my studies. Actually this idea went pretty far. Together with a fellow student we developed a lot of ideas, designs and even had a prototype. The basic idea was social network for your local area — or zone (zoonal — get it?). Everyone can post things for a specific place. Starting from a lost scarf that was found on the street up to big events. There also were ideas of monetization already. Although we tried the idea to keep alive after our studies it didn’t work out. The leftovers are scribbles, notes and screens.

So — true to the motto: I’ll just leave this here. Feel free to contact me for more info or if you have any idea what to do with it.
