One Team Government Global — coming to a planet near you this summer

This post is about the One Team Government Global event taking place in London on 16th July 2018. If you already know you want to come, you can apply here: Or carry on reading…..

Kit Collingwood
3 min readFeb 21, 2018

We’re more than a little excited to be writing this blogpost.

For those who don’t know us, One Team Government (OneTeamGov) is a public sector reform movement which aims to improve public services and change the way we work through practical action. We’re a community of passionate, empathetic people; anyone in any sector who cares about public sector reform can join us.

We formed in June 2017, when a small group of reformers brought nearly 200 people together in London to talk about how we could work across boundaries to make the public sector better. From this event, we drafted principles for the One Team Government community, which are:

  1. Work in the open and positively
  2. Take practical action
  3. Experiment and iterate
  4. Be diverse and inclusive
  5. Care deeply about citizens
  6. Work across borders
  7. Embrace technology

Since then we’ve been working mainly in the UK, organising meetups and events and sharing knowledge (you can find us here on Medium, on Twitter @OneTeamGov and in blogposts like this) to help people take practical action for reform wherever they are. But now we’re getting requests from public sector reformers around the world to share knowledge and talk about what One Team Government is doing.

We think sharing what we know is a moral imperative, because everyone deserves to have effective and accessible public services; learning from others is equally important. And we want to take our sixth principle literally.

It’s time to grow our community.

That’s why we’re holding OneTeamGov Global on 16th July at the QEII Conference Centre in London.

Like other events we’ve done, OneTeamGov Global will be open and democratic. Rather than a programme of meetings or lectures, OneTeamGov Global will be an unconference – a series of sessions defined by participants on the day (although we’ll be giving and gathering ideas in advance). The aim will be to share experiences and good practice, inspiration and innovation, with participants being the voice for change.

It’s going to be big — around 700 people. It will be hugely varied in the topics covered. Thousands of conversations. Thousands of new connections and relationships. We hope it will inspire, teach, and give practical help about reform to everyone who attends. It is a brilliant opportunity to learn from others, share what you’ve done and make connections on a global platform.

Reform should be for everyone, everywhere. We hope you agree. We’re really excited about the event already, and we hope to see many of you there.


  • If you want to attend, you can apply here — we want the event to be representative and space is limited, so we’re running an application system for tickets. International tickets will be ringfenced in numbers because we want a wide range of countries to participate
  • Want to volunteer, whether you’re from the UK or not? Tell us @OneTeamGov or
  • Tell your networks about the event — send them this URL.
  • Sponsor us: we need to gather about £200,000 in sponsorship from right around the world. You can pledge via, and we’ll be writing more about sponsorship opportunities soon.
  • Keep up with the news @OneTeamGov on Twitter and via our newsletter, which you can subscribe to by emailing

We can’t wait to hear from you.

Kit and the One Team Gov team



Kit Collingwood

Leading digital, data, tech and customer service at Royal Borough of Greenwich. Thoughts on leadership, inclusion and better services. Compulsive optimist.