Decoding Deployment in Machine Learning: Cases and Patterns Demystified

7 min readJan 12, 2024

Hey there! Ever wondered about machine learning deployment and its different cases and patterns? Well, you’re in the right place. Let’s break it down in simple terms and explore the ins and outs of successful machine learning deployment. Ready to learn? Let’s do this!

Alright, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of deployment cases. So, what exactly are these cases, and why should we bother identifying them?

Deployment Cases:

Think of deployment cases as different situations or scenarios where we’re either introducing something new, updating existing stuff, or integrating fancy technologies. In the world of machine learning (ML), these cases could be launching a hot new product, automating those tedious manual tasks, or swapping out old ML systems for shiny new ones. Each case has its own quirks, requiring a bit of a tailored approach with specific steps and considerations.

Why Identification is Crucial:

Now, you might be wondering, why bother identifying these cases? Well, let me break it down for you:

  1. Tailored Approach
  2. Efficient Resource Allocation
  3. Risk Management
  4. Optimized Planning
  5. Alignment with Objectives
  6. Resource Efficiency
  7. Adaptability to Change

Deployment patterns:

Deployment patterns in machine learning are like blueprints for how we roll out our models into the real world. These patterns are structured approaches or strategies that guide us in transitioning from the development phase to actual use. They help us navigate the complexities of integration, ensuring our machine-learning models are smoothly incorporated into existing systems or processes.

Now, let’s dive into the exciting part — the types of deployment patterns. Buckle up as we explore the strategies that make our machine learning deployment journey a whole lot smoother!

Shadow Mode Deployment:

In shadow mode deployment, a new version of the software or model is deployed alongside the existing version, but it doesn’t serve production traffic or have a direct impact on users. Instead, it runs in the background, receiving the same inputs as the current version and producing outputs.

The purpose of shadow mode deployment is to observe and evaluate the performance of the new version without affecting the end users. This allows for thorough testing and monitoring of the new version under real-world conditions before making it the primary or only version in production.

Now, let’s put this into context:


Imagine a factory producing smartphones. The current process involves human inspectors visually checking each phone screen for scratches. In shadow mode deployment, the factory introduces a state-of-the-art ML system to assess scratches. This system runs alongside the human inspectors, quietly observing and learning without altering the decisions made by the human inspectors.

During this phase, the ML system acts as a silent apprentice, acquiring insights into the nuances of scratch detection. It processes the same visual inputs as the human inspectors, but its outputs don’t impact the final decision about whether a phone is scratched or not. This allows the factory to evaluate how well the ML system aligns with human judgment and fine-tune its performance before considering it as the primary or sole inspector in the production line.

In essence, shadow mode deployment provides a controlled environment for the ML system to learn and adapt, ensuring a seamless integration into the manufacturing process while maintaining the reliability of human judgment.

Key aspects of shadow mode deployment include:

Parallel Execution: The new version runs parallel to the existing one, handling the same inputs and producing outputs. However, the outputs from the new version are typically not used in the production environment.

Monitoring and Comparison: During shadow mode, the performance of the new version is closely monitored, and metrics are collected to compare its behavior against the existing version. This monitoring helps identify potential issues, such as differences in accuracy, speed, or resource utilization.

Gradual Rollout: After thorough monitoring and testing in shadow mode, if the new version performs well, the deployment can be gradually rolled out to a larger portion of the user base or the entire production environment.

Fallback Mechanism: In case issues are detected with the new version during shadow mode, a rollback or fallback mechanism should be in place to revert to the previous version without impacting users.

Canary Deployment:

Canary deployment is a deployment strategy used in software development and release management to minimize the risk associated with introducing new features or changes to a system. In a canary deployment, a new version of the software is gradually rolled out to a small subset of users or servers before being deployed to the entire user base or production environment. This approach allows for monitoring and testing the new version in a real-world scenario with limited exposure, helping to detect and address issues early on.

Here’s a breakdown of how canary deployment works:

  1. Incremental Rollout: Instead of releasing the new version to all users at once, canary deployment takes a gradual approach. A small subset of users or servers, often referred to as the “canary group,” is selected to receive the update first.
  2. Observation and Monitoring: Once the canary release is out in the wild, the behavior and performance of the new version are closely monitored. Metrics, logs, and other monitoring tools are employed to assess how the update impacts the system.
  3. Feedback and Iteration: Based on the observations and feedback from the canary release, developers can make adjustments and improvements before deploying the new version more widely. It’s like having a trial run to catch any glitches before they become widespread issues.
  4. Rollback Capability: If issues are detected during the canary release, there should be a rollback mechanism in place to quickly revert to the previous version. This minimizes the impact on users, ensuring a smooth and reliable experience.
  5. Automated Processes: Canary deployment is often facilitated by automated deployment pipelines and tools. This automation makes it easier to manage the incremental rollout, monitoring processes, and any necessary rollbacks.

The term “canary” is used metaphorically, drawing inspiration from the historical practice of using canaries in coal mines. Miners would bring canaries into mines, and if the canary showed signs of distress or died, it signaled the presence of harmful gases. Similarly, canary deployment serves as an early warning system for potential issues with the new version before a full-scale deployment.

In summary, canary deployment provides a thoughtful and controlled way to introduce changes, allowing for early detection of issues and ensuring a more reliable and user-friendly software release.

Blue Green Deployment:

Blue-Green Deployment is a deployment strategy employed in software development and release management to minimize downtime and mitigate risks associated with introducing new versions of applications or systems. In this approach, two separate environments, denoted as “blue” and “green,” coexist. The production environment (e.g., blue) runs the current stable version, while the identical environment (e.g., green) hosts the new version of the application or system.

Key Characteristics of Blue-Green Deployment:

  1. Parallel Environments: Both blue and green environments are fully functional and independent, with their own infrastructure, servers, and databases. At any given time, one environment serves as the production environment (live), while the other hosts the updated version in a staging or testing capacity.
  2. Zero Downtime: The primary goal is to achieve zero downtime during the deployment process. When transitioning from the old version to the new one, traffic is gradually rerouted from one environment to the other, ensuring a seamless transition without disrupting user experience.
  3. Switching Traffic: Initially, all user traffic is directed to the “blue” environment, which represents the current production version. When a new version is ready for deployment, the traffic is gradually switched to the “green” environment. This can be done using load balancers, DNS changes, or other routing mechanisms.
  4. Testing in Isolation: The “green” environment allows thorough testing of the new version in an environment that mirrors production conditions. This helps identify and address any issues before exposing the new version to all users.
  5. Rollback Capability: If issues are detected during or after the deployment to the “green” environment, rolling back to the stable “blue” environment is straightforward, as it remains unaffected during the initial stages of deployment.


Imagine a phone manufacturing setup where we use smart technology to inspect screens for cracks. Currently, our trusty system, let’s call it the “Blue Inspection,” does the job reliably. Now, we’re introducing an upgrade — the “Green Inspection” with a smarter algorithm.

  • Routing Mechanism: The routing mechanism is the key player in the switching process. It can be managed through load balancers, DNS changes, or other routing configurations.
  • Initial Traffic to Blue (Current Version): Initially, all user traffic is directed to the Blue environment, which represents the current stable version of the application or system. Users interact with the Blue environment as usual.
  • Green Version Deployment: The new version (Green) is deployed in a separate environment, mirroring the production setup. This environment is updated with the latest changes, improvements, or new features.
  • Gradual Traffic Switch: To avoid abrupt changes and potential disruptions, the traffic switch is gradual. The routing mechanism is configured to gradually divert a percentage of incoming traffic from the Blue environment to the Green environment. This could be a step-wise or incremental process.
  • Monitoring and Validation: Throughout the traffic switch, the deployment is closely monitored. Metrics, logs, and other monitoring tools are used to assess the performance and behavior of the Green environment. This monitoring phase ensures that the new version is functioning as expected under real-world conditions.
  • Full Traffic Switch (Optional): Depending on the deployment strategy and confidence in the new version, the switch can eventually be extended to redirect 100% of the user traffic to the Green environment. This is often done when thorough testing and validation have been completed.
  • Rollback Capability: In case issues are detected during or after the switch, there is a rollback mechanism in place. The routing configuration can be adjusted to redirect all traffic back to the Blue environment swiftly. This rollback capability provides a safety net to maintain system stability.

In the world of tech upgrades, deployment is our tool to make things smarter. We’ve explored different ways to do it, ensuring a smooth ride into a future where everything works a bit better.

