No Partner Program? No problem!

Karen Toralba
2 min readJun 22, 2022


I’m okay with not being in the partner program

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

About six months ago, I spent money to make money. I subscribed to Medium for a year to get started on my big payout, hefty money-making journey as a writer. I’ll hold while you stop laughing.

I felt excited to build my followers and strove to hit the 100 follower mark. At e.x.a.c.t.l.y 100 followers, I applied to the partner program. I waited in delightful anticipation only to be rejected. Through rivers of metaphorical tears, I replied and asked why, as the rejection letter listed the known criteria, and I had to guess which one I did not meet.

They said I did not live in a partner program country.

Fair. I don’t.

I am an American living in Thailand, but I absolutely have an American address and an American bank account. After the dreaded and very long 30 days, I applied again. I was a bit sneaky and tried to work around the system. Did it work?

You’re right! No, it didn’t! Read about my failure here:

I considered pouting like any reasonable adult would. I pondered applying again. I thought about writing on another program and dropping Medium out of pure passive aggressiveness. That’ll show them.

Yet, here I am.

I decided to stay with Medium, as I enjoy the encouragement of the writing community, and it gives me another outlet for writing. I’m still irritated that I’m not making the big bucks, though realistically, I probably would have made a killer $2.45 by now — just estimating.

I enjoy reading stories and articles from like-minded writers and encouraging them as much as they encourage me. I like the interaction and seeing what other writers are going though, where they are, and where they’re going.



Karen Toralba

Top Writer in Social Media. I write fictional stories, writing tips, travel blurbs, and other random pieces.