What Makes React Native A Valuable Solution For Mobile Applications

kamal damgwal
6 min readSep 24, 2019


ReactNative App Development
React Native

The mobile application and services market is a huge and ever-evolving industry. As per a report from Allied Market research, the mobile apps market is estimated to grow to $311 billion by 2023. Whenever a product creation is put into the picture, entrepreneurs often incorporate such practices into the process and make significant attempts to stay in trend with the market trends.

Software manufacturers, on the other hand, are committed to making the best out of the application designing process and make it convenient and easily understandable for the sake of the clients. This makes it common to develop android applications using Java while applications for iOS are predominantly written in Swift or Objective-C. Industry giants such as Facebook were also destined to join the party and introduced its mobile application development framework in 2015 which was capable of delivering outputs for both iOS and Android and is popularly known today as react-native.

Following this we aim to explain why React Native is a great choice for developing your applications and what problems it might encounter in the way ahead.

React Native Fundamentals

React Native presents an open-source code within its framework. It was created by Facebook in 2015 in order to help make the application development process more smooth. Following this, the simplicity and convenience of Javascript make React Native one of the most agile development frameworks.

Technology giants such as Uber, Slack, and Pinterest have used the fundamentals of react-native when it comes to creating their apps and employs its updates even today with it. Other aspects of the Facebook Empire: Instagram and Facebook mobile apps are also governed with it.

React attempts to provide a complete scheme of the application. It is aimed directly at building user interfaces and eliminates the liability of using other tools which makes it difficult for developers when creating the application. This permits developers to select any library of their choice when it comes to performing any kind of task, for purposes of accessing the network or even locally storing data.

Some benefits of React Native?

React Native App Development
Future of React Native App Development

Whenever considering a wide selection of development tools it might be difficult at times to choose the correct framework or programming language that helps you fit the best. But when you need to make the correct choice you need to clearly understand what your application is about and what shall it be in its final and last form along with the set of functions and functionalities you need to have.

Cross-platform coding

Cross-platform coding is easily one of React-native’s best features. This is because the framework allows programmers to help employ the very same code when it comes to developing applications for both iOS and Android.

The performances and native appearance of both the applications are close to similar in both cases and this contributes to saving a lot of time in development. It helps eliminate the need for hiring various developers who might be individually working for java or a swift. A JS programmer who is familiar with the UI library and cross-platform coding is all you require for building the UI library and cross-platform coding.

ReactNative App Developers
React Native App Development

A lot of Support from the community

React Native is an open-source platform and therefore has all its documentation located in a public domain and is open for the entire vast community to interact with. Most entrepreneurs forget to take this vital information into account.

This way React’s huge community not only implies support to large and resolutions to common problems but also many existing, unattended and unproven and problems. This literally allows developers to construct an application source code from parts of the finished code.

This, of course, doesn’t let you compile the application code from different pieces and put it up in the market but involves lot of painstaking work to bring all of its essentials into working form as well. But, nevertheless, the fact that a large number of solutions presence while keeping into mind the extensive and active community on GitHub makes the app programming and fast and easier process. Keep in mind the support from Facebook as well.

Plain user interface

React Native user interface can come to an easy understanding of any JS programmer, unlike other regular frameworks. Proper activity order is an important build criterion and stands as an integral element of the coding process and React is perfect when doing this. React natives user interfaces are regarded for it’s agile and responsiveness and have significantly decreased load time along with implementing a smoother appearance.

Module-based Structure of Code

Modular coding is basically a development method that involves dividing the application into various autonomous and equivalent blocks and these blocks can be called modules. The prime advantage of this method is that it contributes to the versatility of the developers since it is easier for each of them to review the project of their teammates and update the individual modules into the corresponding whole code. The second advantage that comes with it is the opportunity to use the identical modules for both the web and mobile interfaces.

Declaratory coding

This is a concept very contrary to the imperative method of coding. The main privilege of the idea is that the developer gets to explain what the program should be doing unlike the other way around. Declarative code helps make all of this more understandable and comprehensible and hence allows developers to navigate thereby making corrections and fix bugs faster. What comes with the code is a wonderful UI which makes it easier to study realize for the computer and the programmer.

Promising Future

React Native is highly advanced and progressive technology in the sense that is has managed to cover the entire mobile applications market. Timely maintenance from Facebook ads and imparts lot of confidence to the impeccable future that lies ahead. As a rare programmer one manages to resist the friendly style guide and the versatile workplace environment. React Native also adds new fans to its base each day by eliminating the lost necessity to study hard languages and other complicated programs.


React Native is very suited to the purposes and interests of a rookie as well as a professional developer.

React does invite its own opponents because of other shortcomings in the framework which are unable to satisfy each and every purpose. The permanent updating principle is one of the good characteristics of the framework but this compels developers to work constantly and make changes every week. So if you act complacent and fail to update your framework it might not end nicely for you.

React Native meets most requirements of the kinds of challenges the market demands right now. There is a relatively small percentage of problems that don’t recommend the usage of React Native and more importantly, a product supported by Facebook is less likely to lose its quality or popularity in the near future.

As one of the top react native app development company in Singapore, we at BrainMobi are inclined to understand the capabilities of the framework and intend to deliver to our clients who are looking to scale their business in the best time frames.

