Kirill DanilyukinTowards Data ScienceConvNets Series. Actual Project Prototyping with Mask R-CNNIs it possible to implement a ConvNet that distinguishes good quality omelettes from those of bad quality?Apr 23, 20182Apr 23, 20182
Kirill DanilyukinTowards Data ScienceConvNets Series. Spatial Transformer NetworksIn this post, we see inner working of one of the differentiable LEGO blocks of convolutional networks — the spatial transformer network.Sep 19, 20176Sep 19, 20176
Kirill DanilyukinTowards Data ScienceConvNets Series. Image Processing: Tools of the TradeGetting your data ready for trainingJul 24, 20172Jul 24, 20172
Kirill DanilyukinTowards Data ScienceCarND Project 1: Lane Lines Detection — A Complete PipelineSome of you may know that I’ve recently started Udacity’s Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree. This is an amazing and unique program…Feb 27, 20175Feb 27, 20175