Introducing DottedSign at DigiMarCon 2019

Kdan Mobile
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2019

From May 9th to the 10th, our U.S. office attended DigiMarConEast, which was held at the luxurious New York Marriott Marquis. DigiMarCon is the largest digital marketing conference series in the world with over 20 conferences held worldwide. The main objectives for this conference were to introduce the new e-signature service, DottedSign and to learn about up-and-coming tools and techniques in the digital marketing industry. The U.S. office’s success at DigiMarCon left a lasting impact on not only the conference attendees, but also on our team as we enhance and expand our creative tactics.

The Premiere of DottedSign

The debut of DottedSign was met with overwhelmingly positive reactions. The people we spoke with at the conference were impressed by DottedSign’s mobile-first approach as well as the app’s ability to optimize workflow. DottedSign is a digital signature tool that allows people to send, receive, and sign contracts on the go from their smartphone, avoiding the hassle of paper contracts.

People from many different disciplines expressed their interest in the e-signing service and took advantage of our extended trial — including people from sales, advertising, and real estate. In particular, individuals who regularly use public transportation expressed that they were interested in using DottedSign to handle contracts during their daily commute.


Industry Trends and Technology

At DigiMarCon, we also had the opportunity to attend a master class on video marketing to learn more about up-and-coming technology and trends within the digital marketing industry. The speaker had some interesting information about the future of advertising. One of the major takeaways from the presentation was the growing use of AI to create advertisements.

During the presentation, we were shown two commercials: one created by an AI; one by a person. A number of people were unable to determine which one was created by a human! It was exhilarating to learn how emerging technology will impact the future of digital marketing.

The Future of the U.S. Office

The U.S. team’s first conference was by and large, a successful experience. We successfully introduced newest productivity tool, learned from creative industry leaders, and formed exciting connections.

Looking forward, the Kdan Team in the U.S. will be looking for more exciting opportunities like this one!

Follow us on social media to keep up to date on the U.S office’s experiences at future conferences in events: we’re active on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube!

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Originally published at Kdan Mobile Blog.

