Email Subject Lines That Can Improve Your Sales Email

Kdan Mobile
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2020

One of the first things any customer sees when they open an email from your company is the subject line. The subject line can make or break the fate of an email and can get a potential customer interested in opening and going through its content.

Email marketing is invested in by 69% of companies who look to get substantial returns. Companies can enjoy close to 44% ROI if they have a solid email strategy targeting the right people.

To stand out from the rest, a good subject line is necessary to get the reader’s attention. Good email service providers can help you test out different subject lines until you find one that works.

The Importance of a Subject Line for an Engaged Audience?

All the subject lines need to look great because an average individual receives up to 121 emails a day! Brands are constantly looking to stand out in a customer’s inbox, and subject lines can go a long way towards ensuring that happens.

Up to 35% open an email on the content of the subject line. There are lead-generation tools that will help you get personalized names for each email that will contribute to a better CTR(click through rate) and open rate.

Prerequisites for Strong Subject Lines

The most effective subject lines start before you even draft your first email. They come after attaining a deeper understanding of who your customers are (or who you think they are) and what catches the interest of your determined demographic(s). One of the best ways to plan email campaigns is by cultivating good leads and extrapolating data as you build your list.

We’ll talk about what constitutes a “good” list and explain three quick ways to gather information on your target audience.

Building a Strong Email List

A good email list is essential because everything starts with quality contacts. A good email list can offer insight on the types of individuals who’ll interact with your brand as well -which can help guide future campaigns. . Understanding the demographics also helps you figure out what’s required to catch someone’s eye.

Gathering Data Along with Contacts

Three ways to gather both data and contacts include: website signup forms; social media campaigns; and offline activities.

You can start to build a digital list through organic and paid strategies. Organic strategies usually include email signup forms embedded in your website. Be sure to offer users the chance to add more than just their name and email so you can try to understand them better.

If you’re running paid lead collection campaigns on social media, you’ll be able to view charts that provide data on the average gender, age, geographic location, and a multitude of other defining characteristics for anyone that signs up to your list.

In certain B2C markets, and in most B2B ones, connections are made offline and involve the exchanging of business cards. Make sure to write down/record data that goes beyond their contact info when adding them to your CRM (customer relationship management) system so you can watch for trends that might guide your email subject lines.

Smart Phone Using E-mail Online Messaging Concept

Get Your Subject Lines in Place

Subject lines revolve around psychological factors that can influence a customer to click on them. The more of an emotional reaction you create, the higher likelihood of conversion.

Five approaches to trigger an emotional response include:

1. Piquing Curiosity

These are the types of subject lines that induce some curiosity when they appear in the inbox of the customer. Some examples include:

  • Five unknown facts about Thanksgiving
  • Do NOT open this email
  • This trend has got them all talking
  • Here’s what they’re not telling you
  • Success only needs these steps

2. FOMO — the Fear of Missing Out

FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out, is one of the best tactics marketers use to get the attention of the user. FOMO lines can be used effectively to get some great returns on the open rates as well:

  • $43 sale ends today
  • Just in case you weren’t able to…
  • The prescription is running out
  • Here’s an invite you’d really like

3. Addressing Pain Points

Companies can identify specific pain points in their customer’s lives and address them in the subject line:

  • Where does everything go?
  • What happens after running out of stock?
  • Solve all beauty issues, here

4. Retargeting Emails

These retargeting emails can be used for those customers who might’ve arrived at your site but went away for whatever reason:

  • We can still make you a deal
  • It’s been over a month
  • Is everything okay?

5. Funny Subject Lines

Funny subject lines work because they can easily entice the reader and helps lighten the mood:

  • We’re used to being used
  • Let’s teleport you somewhere
  • Why isn’t your workout working out?

The right subject lines can make a world of difference on your email marketing campaigns. Make sure you keep trying out different ones until you find one that works.

This post was a guest post written by our friends over at SendX. We are always delighted to collaborate with guest bloggers who are able to help us share ways to leverage productivity and unleash creativity. If you would like to be featured as a guest, please contact us!

Originally published at Kdan Mobile Blog.

