Finding Your New Normal to Have Summer Fun

Kdan Mobile
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2020

It’s no secret that we had a hectic first half of 2020. We experienced everything from the COVID-19 pandemic, quarantine and social distancing, and protests across the world. These issues are serious, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t bounce back and make the most of our summer. The best thing we can do now is to look at the positive things we can do this summer and create our new normal and have some summer fun!

Great Things To Do This Summer

With lockdowns and social distancing slowly being lifted, we can experience the new normal and enjoy summer the way we want! That could mean taking a trip to the beach for the warm water and a tan, or heading up to the mountains for fresh air and beautiful views. This can also be a chance to learn a new skill like learning a new language or getting more in touch with your artistic side.

It would be a great idea to document your adventure and create videos to remember your summer! You can even just stay home with your friends and family to have a game night or make arts and crafts. Whatever you want to do, create a list and plan out your summer so you can have something to look forward to each step of the way.


We Have Learned & Are Now Stronger

“Adversity introduces a man to himself.” Albert Einstein

They often say that the view at the top of the hill is the most beautiful. After the past few months, the view is becoming clearer. One thing that this social distancing gave us was time to think and sit with our own thoughts. While this may be a bit boring or sometimes even scary, it’s a good way to reflect on ourselves — whether it’s career-wise and realizing how much you appreciate your job, or deciding if it’s time to choose a new path.

Moving Forward!

The important takeaway is to not forget what got us here in the first place, and to have a positive outlook each day. 2020 is only halfway STARTED, and we have a chance to make the rest of the year a fun and exciting one. Whether your summer plans include taking a trip, learning a new skill, or just spending time with friends and family, we hope that you can start your summer off on the right foot.

Whatever your new normal looks like, you can be sure your plans are noted, your videos are edited, and your creativity is flowing with Creativity 365!

Originally published at Kdan Mobile Blog.

