Low Back Pain: Causes, Diagnosis & Treatments

Dr. Vatsal Khetan
3 min readJul 2, 2024


Low back pain is a prevalent condition that affects millions of people worldwide, impacting their daily lives and quality of life. From mild discomfort to severe, debilitating pain, its causes can vary widely, making accurate diagnosis and effective treatment crucial. In this blog post, we delve into the intricacies of low back pain, exploring its causes, the importance of proper diagnosis, and the range of treatments available, including insights from orthopedic specialist Dr. Vatsal Khetan.

Causes of Low Back Pain

Low back pain can arise from a multitude of factors, often categorized into:

  1. Mechanical Causes: These include muscle or ligament strains, herniated discs, spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal), and degenerative disc disease.
  2. Traumatic Causes: Such as injuries from accidents, falls, or sports-related incidents.
  3. Medical Conditions: Including arthritis, osteoporosis, and infections that affect the spine.
  4. Lifestyle Factors: Such as poor posture, sedentary lifestyle, or lifting heavy objects improperly.

Identifying the specific cause of low back pain is crucial for devising an appropriate treatment plan.


Accurate diagnosis of low back pain involves a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional, such as an orthopedic specialist like Dr. Vatsal Khetan. The diagnostic process may include:

  • Medical History: Understanding the patient’s symptoms, medical history, and any previous injuries.
  • Physical Examination: Assessing range of motion, strength, and sensation in the affected area.
  • Imaging Tests: X-rays, MRI scans, or CT scans to visualize the spine and identify any structural abnormalities.
  • Diagnostic Injections: Used to pinpoint the exact source of pain in certain cases.

Dr. Vatsal Khetan emphasizes the importance of a thorough assessment to accurately diagnose the underlying cause of low back pain, ensuring targeted and effective treatment.


Treatment for low back pain varies based on its cause and severity. Dr. Vatsal Khetan and other orthopedic specialists typically recommend a combination of the following approaches:

  • Medications: Such as pain relievers, muscle relaxants, or anti-inflammatory drugs to manage pain and reduce inflammation.
  • Physical Therapy: Exercises and stretches to strengthen the muscles supporting the spine and improve flexibility.
  • Minimally Invasive Procedures: Including epidural steroid injections or nerve blocks to alleviate pain.
  • Surgery: Reserved for severe cases where conservative treatments have not provided relief, such as herniated disc surgery or spinal fusion.

Dr. Vatsal Khetan advocates for a personalized treatment plan tailored to each patient’s specific condition and needs, focusing on restoring function and improving quality of life.


Low back pain can significantly impact daily activities and overall well-being, but with proper diagnosis and targeted treatment, many individuals can find relief and regain functionality. Dr. Vatsal Khetan’s expertise in orthopedics, including his specialization in spine care, ensures patients receive comprehensive and compassionate care at the Khetan Knee Shoulder Clinic in Gorakhpur. If you or someone you know is suffering from low back pain, seeking timely medical attention and consulting with a qualified specialist like Dr. Vatsal Khetan is crucial for effective management and recovery.

By understanding the causes, undergoing thorough diagnosis, and exploring appropriate treatments, individuals can take proactive steps towards alleviating low back pain and achieving a healthier, pain-free life.

Remember, each case of low back pain is unique, and personalized care from experts like Dr. Vatsal Khetan can make a significant difference in your journey to recovery.

